
Friday, October 14, 2011

Born Pretty stamping review

Hi guys! It's finally Friday! Are you excited about the weekend or what? 

Today I want to talk about the stamping stuff I got from Born Pretty. I wanted this 16-piece image plate set because of the many full-nail images it has. I'm not very excited about small images, so this set was perfect for me. Here are the plates:

original packaging
Now keep in mind that I don't have any original Konad plates and have never used those. I have googled quite a few of these plates and the images are just like the Konad ones. Even the numbering corresponds. There's certainly a learning curve for stamping, but I've found that these plates work quite well. I have practiced with about half of them and didn't have any problems yet. I haven't photographed each end every one to show you the patterns, but you can see them here.

double ended stamper and scraper
Again, from the pictures on the internet, this one perfectly resembles the Konad one. The large end is perfect for the full-nail images, while the small one works well for the smaller ones. It also has a perfect shape for holding in your hand. The scraper has a thin metal piece to scrape with. I already had a scraper that I purchased from a Chinese shop over here, and that one is just cheap plastic.

stamping with different polishes, sorry for the many smudges but it was my first time stamping

Here are my attempts at stamping on a piece of paper. You can see I have tried a lot of brands of polish and they all seem to work. It's harder with lighter colors because of the contrast, but they still transfer properly. Keep in mind again that I don't have any special stamping polish and don't plan to purchase any in the near future.

All in all, I'm very happy with my purchase. I find the Konad prices ridiculous and wouldn't spend so much money on their equipment, when there are so many cheaper alternatives out there. This whole set was around 20 dollars (the price for 3 Konad plates) and I got 16 plates! I think these work just fine and I'm very glad I got them.



  1. 20dollars for 16 plates!!Wow thats a good deal:3 May I know what brand is it? Did you get them online??

  2. ooo and I have to tell you I really like little bow and the heart with dot dot inside :3 soooo cuteee!!I used to use nails stickers!!But i think stamping is easier to remove after:3

  3. I got them from the Born Pretty online store. I put the link in the post ( I haven't used nail stickers but I have used stencils and I'm so glad these can be used as many times as I want, not like the stencils that I had to throw away.

  4. Multumim pentru review. Astept sa soseasca si placuta mea sa vedem ce iese. In viitor imi voi cumpara macar 2 oje mini Konad: una alba si una neagra. Dar 1st trebuie sa capat experienta.

  5. Lindo !!!


