
Saturday, November 26, 2011

Mint crackle

Hi guys! I hope you are having a great weekend. For me it's studying again, as I have another week of exams ahead of me. Luckily it's the last one and I can't wait for it to end! I think it was about two weeks ago on a gloomy day that I thought I should make it better with a fun manicure. There's nothing like a bright, crazy color to cheer you up on a day like that. Here's what I came up with.

This is Rimmel Lycra Pro Peppermint, which has been previously reviewed here. To add a little something to the manicure I slapped on a coat of China Glaze Black Mesh (also reviewed here) and topped everything with a shiny coat of Out the Door. 

This is obviously not a fall mani, but it was fun wearing it. I think I'm kinda over the crackle look though, so I'm happy I didn't buy a lot of these polishes. 

You can see I'm very behind with posting manicures, but hopefully next week I will try to post more to catch up. I also can't wait to have time to do some nail art. I know I have been neglecting that part, but I was really swamped lately. I promise to redeem myself with some Christmas designs! 


  1. I am not a big fan of crackle but I do like to see them on other ppl and it looks great on them:)!!
    I bought the silver shatter and the pink crackle from China Glaze but I sold the silver shatter and gave the pink crackle to my cousin's cousin :P
    I like the mint green :3!!

  2. Mmm peppermint! If the crackle was brown, it would totally be an after either chocolate mani! Although it already looks like after eights since they use dark chocolate. Pretty mani!

  3. @Boarbb

    I agree that the crackle look isn't for everyone. I'm kinda over it myself. Would try one of those shimmery crackles though :P


    Love those After Eights! I haven't seen brown crackle anywhere, but I think this pretty much does it.

  4. I was thinking that too!!I like the silver shatter look!but I don't know why mine doesnt really "crack"T^T
    I m interested in the gold shatter tho haha:p

  5. I think I've read somewhere that these shimmery crackles/shatters don't crack very well. Barry M has some that are better and are easier to find in Europe.
