Thursday, December 29, 2011

Rimmel Black Cherries and Nubar 2010

Hello loves! 3 more days left of 2011 and then 2012 is gonna march in. Hope next year will be much better than this one. One sure thing is that it's gonna be full of nail polish! Today I have a very special manicure to show you. I have received so many compliments for this one and I've really enjoyed wearing it. 

I've started with two coats of Rimmel I love lasting finish Black Cherries. The color of this polish is somewhere between dark red and purple, I think it's best described as a wine color. It has a hidden shimmer that is unfortunately more obvious in the bottle. On the nail it is visible only in bright light. The problem with this was its thickness. It could use quite a bit of thinner (but I don't have any at the moment). So the 2 coats I ended up applying where quite thick and a lot of bubbles showed up after it dried. I don't have good pictures of it alone and I wasn't gonna show you the bubbles, so this is the best I could do. 

Rimmel Black Cherries, no top coat, natural light (sorry for the reflection) 
Afterwards I applied one coat of Nubar 2010 and a glossy top coat. I applied the Nubar a little thicker to have more flakies on the nail, but the base color still shines trough. I think that the combo is just perfect. It really makes the gold-copper color of the flakies pop. Here's some picture spam for you. 

in the sun

still in the sun
artificial light, I tried to capture the color shift of the flakies
After wearing it like this for a day, I added a coat of Color Club Matte-ified. I really loved it matte and just can't decide if I like this combo better matte or glossy. The flakies almost looked red in some lights after I made them matte. 

artificial light (no sun that day, sorry) 
I love Nubar 2010 and I think I'm gonna wear it a lot in 2012 too. Stay tuned for a best of 2011 post! 

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