
Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Ebay nail mail

Hello lovelies! How is this week treating you so far? I've already started studying for my next exam, but this isn't such a hard one so I will be able to do some blogging on the side. Today I want to show you the awesome stuff I received this week. I made a few purchases from Ebay and it took about a month for these to get here. Considering the price and the awesomeness of the stuff, I think it's worth it. Here's everything I got.

These are all sitting on the bubble wrap because I had a little accident with the glitter. I wanted to photograph everything before unwrapping and cleaning it all up. The most exciting item is this set with 12 different colored glitters. Unfortunately, some of the jars weren't properly sealed, so the glitter got out. Here's how the glitter box looked after opening my package.

It actually looked pretty cool! I had to throw it out however because it was all so messy. I cleaned the glitter from the jars with a fan brush. Here's a shot of the 12 jars. 

I tell you these are absolutely amazing! I wanted some nice glitter to do glitter tips for some time now, and I love these because they are very fine and the jars are pretty big, so I won't run out of them that quick. This set was only 7.5 $! I don't think there are shops selling these in my city. The ones available here come in really tiny jars and are around 1.5$ a pop. 

You can see the pink one was the one that spilled. No hard feelings there, as I don't really like pink. There were two sets of these available and I chose the one with the most blues and silvers (set B). Now that I see how great these are I might just order the other set as well. 

I finally caved and got some dotting tools. I love my improvised ones, but these really come in a lot of sizes. And I only have like 1-2 sizes of pins in the house. 

The 5 dotting tools are double ended. I wouldn't say there are 10 separate sizes of dotters, just because some are pretty similar between them (like the two large ones from the right). This set was only 3$ (!!). They are really sturdy and good quality. 

I wanted to try some fimos for a while now, but was not sure if I would like them. This small wheel of pre-cut pieces is perfect for trying them out. It was 2.5$ and has 240 fruit shaped pieces. 

These are the nail wheels I use for swatching my polishes and for practicing nail art. I can get them locally for around 1$ a piece. This set contains 10 of them for 4$. That means only 0.4$ each! Bargain! 

The shipping on all this stuff was 1.5$. The only downside is the fact that it takes nearly a month for them to travel from Hong Kong to here. But you really can't beat the price! Even with the little accident with the spilled glitter, I really don't regret getting these and I would do it again in a second. In case somebody is interested, this is the link to the Ebay store. So what do you think of this haul? 


  1. Great nail mail! I was looking for these nail wheels too, so thank you for suggesting this ebay seller :)
    I just don't get why there are no items in the shop :(

    1. Don't know why they are not showing up. Try this link:

    2. there are no products neither :(

    3. I don't know why that is happening. Maybe ebay is blocked in your country or by your internet provider? Have you purchased stuff from ebay before?

    4. I don't think it's blocked in my country; I have bought from ebay before, and I can see the products of other sellers. When I open the link you posted this is what I see:

    5. Then it might be some kind of bug. Try searching practice nail wheel in ebay. There are tons of sellers who have them. I always purchase from the ones marked as "top rated".

    6. I think I'll do like you suggested...I'm just sad that I can't see this seller's products :(

    7. I'm sorry too. Maybe it's gonna fix itself in a couple of days.

  2. Great purchases Mihaela, I have some of those types of nail wheels, and I prefer as they seem sturdier. I like you pretty dotting tools too, mine are slightly different. I still remember your post with the fantastic dotting tool alternatives you did! :-)

    1. I still love those but I only have 2-3 sizes and larger ones are hard to find. I'm slowly building a collection of nail tools, but for somebody just starting out there are a lot of great diy alternatives out there!
