
Monday, February 13, 2012

Eveline Holografic Shine 413

Hello my lovelies! How was your day? My exam went pretty well and I celebrated with a really awesome manicure. But that's a story for another day. Today I have for you an amazing holo from the brand Eveline, that is mostly available in Eastern Europe. 

Eveline Holografic Shine 413
Isn't this lovely? I really don't know how to describe the color of this polish. It's neither pink, nor purple, maybe magenta? It has an amazing holo effect and I was able to catch a glimpse of the sun to photograph it. So all the photos in this post are in the sun! 

Application was easy, in two coats. Unlike my other Eveline holo (previously shown here), this is more opaque (it's also a darker color, of course) and dries faster with two coats. I did apply a quick dry top coat to make it dry even faster. 

I don't remember how much I wore this because it was some time ago. I have to start writing these things down! I'm pretty sure it didn't chip and only showed minor tip wear after a few days. I really like the quality on these! 

The holo effect is amazing in this one, as you can see. It's a really great polish for a low price. I've been told that there's a black one in this collection, but so far I haven't found it. I will keep searching, though. I like these a lot. What do you think? 


  1. This is absolutely gorgeous!!! I love it! Glad your exam went well ;0).

  2. It is really pretty*0* Like this one!!the holo I have (Glitter gal )also lasted quite well after a few days of wearing too! really dunno why!

    1. Thanks! I don't know why. I've heard other holo's usually chip very quick. I'm glad yours doesn't!

  3. Buna, de unde pot cumpara si eu ? poti sa-mi dai un link ceva ?...

    1. Din pacate nu le-am luat de pe net. Le-am luat de la un magazin din oras. Daca esti din Cluj iti pot spune de unde. Daca esti din alt oras nu stiu unde le poti gasi.

  4. mersi mult, nu sunt din cluj :((
