
Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Polish Olympics

Hello my lovelies! It's time for another Polish Days post. It's the second time I'm participating and if you missed my previous Sandwich Day post and don't know what Polish Days is, it's basically a day once every month when several nail bloggers do a post with a certain theme. This month's theme is the Olympics and there are also prizes involved, just like in the Olympic Games: gold, silver and bronze. 

This theme required some nail art, of course. I could have taken the easy road and do some Olympic themed stamping, sponging or whatever, but I didn't. I chose free hand nail art and I'm not very pleased with the result. It was very frustrating because it sure didn't come out as good as I envisioned it in my head. I didn't even want to post it but then I thought that participating is still important. So here goes! Sorry for the weird hand poses but my hand just doesn't have the joints necessary to fit all 5 fingers in the shot.

Since my nail art brushes have failed me miserably lately, I decided to do this using toothpicks, since they are very precise (at least in theory). Just to explain a bit, the one on my pointer was supposed to be a discus thrower and the one on the ring finger is a runner. Of course the discus thrower wouldn't come out by no means. I painted it once, then wiped it, then painted it again. By that time I was so annoyed that I just had to leave it like that. Yeah, patience is not my strongest point! The base color is Orly Au Champagne (my go to white) and most of this was done using acrylic paints. Only the torch was done using polishes: a-england Excalibur (silver), Essie Orange, It's Obvious! and China Glaze Sunshine Pop (yellow). 

Here are the links for the other Polish Olympics participants: 

Thank you so much for looking and please be gentle!


  1. I think it came out good! Your rings are much better than mine are. I did them last night and I do not like them. I will post mine later this week.

  2. Awesome job Mihaela!! Your art is always so good.

  3. Serious nail envy!! Awesome that you did that all with toothpicks!!

    Visiting from the blog hop, I'm your newest follower :)
    Stop by my blog if you get the chance <3
    xo, Jersey Girl

  4. Great job!
    I've tagged you for the Liebster Award, you can check out the details on my blog here: :)

  5. I think your designs look great! Far better than I could do. I found your blog through BBU Blog Hop and would love a follow back. :)

  6. So awesome, I can't believe you did all your job only by polishes!!
    Great job!!

  7. Ohh man, what a cute idea! :D You must have sat there and polished for quite a while :)
    Hey from the blog hop! :)
    The Amazing World Of J

  8. Fantastic design!! I really wanted to take part in Polish Days this time, but sadly it's fallen right in the middle of a really busy couple of weeks for me! Lots of good luck - you defo deserve to win a prize! Thanks again for following me through the blog hop - now following you back. It's always lovely to find another nail blog :) xx

  9. No need to be gentle about it. This is adorable! Also, I think you are doing a great job and wanted to nominate you for the Liebster award...:)

  10. Thank you! I'm sure yours aren't that bad! Send me a link when you post them!

  11. Thank you so much Marisa! I do my best and I always try to improve. You are doing an awesome job with nail art lately as well!

  12. Thank you so much! I feel honored! I've bookmarked your questions and will add them when I do my post!

  13. Thank you very much! Followed back!

  14. Hi! Thank you! It took a couple of hours, yes.
    You have a very cute blog! Love you swatch pictures and the ebay finds posts. Followed!

  15. Thank you so much! I'm sure I won't win as there are some amazing entries. But I was glad to participate! Sorry you didn't have time to prepare a post. I was busy too and didn't have it done until the last minute. I was so nervous! Thank you for following me!xx

  16. Thank you! And thank you so much for the award! I will add your questions to my blog post!

  17. Brilliant! I love the detail, you did an amazing job.x
