
Sunday, September 9, 2012

My first blogiversary: a walk down memory lane

Hello lovely lovely readers! It's a very important day for me today. I'm so nervous and I hardly know what to say on here, but I will try anyway. I can't believe that it was one year ago today when I posted my first time on this blog. Back then I had no clue about blogging, about nail art or photographing, I barely had any clue about painting nails. I had no idea if this blogging thing was even gonna stick. Little did I know that I would enjoy it so much and that it would become so important to me. In this year, I have posted over 220 posts, but most importantly, almost 1000 photos. 

I made this collage using all the photos that have been posted on Lacquer Buzz this past year. I like it a lot. It  really gives me a sense of accomplishment to look at my beautiful pictures this way. Let's take a moment to remember the highlights of this wonderful year. 

It all started with my first post on September 9th 2011...

I posted my very first nail art (I was very proud of this one) 

then my pictures started to get a little better

I made my first stamping manicure

and my first tutorial 

through this year my nails were  long

but also very short

I've been challenged on Adventures In Stamping

I joined Monday Blues 

I made it to 200 posts

and 200 followers 

This is only a small part of the things I've accomplished this year. But the most important of all is meeting so many amazing people, people who constantly brighten my day with their kind words, who take time out of their busy day to come and read my ramblings and look at my nails, some of which I truly can call friends. To all the people who follow me or visit my blog, twitter, Facebook, Google+, Tumblr, Instagram and Pinterest I have a huge thank you from the bottom of my heart. I couldn't have done it without you! You honestly are the best followers a girl could ever have. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! 

Finally I want to talk about my plans for the following year. Next year will be a very busy one for me because it will be the final year of university. I will have a lot of exams and I will also have to work on my thesis. I hope to have enough time for blogging. I'm sure there will be breaks, but I will make them as short as possible. For the next few months I have some challenges planned and I do hope I will be able to keep up with all of them. I sure won't forget to have fun while I do them. Wish me luck!


  1. Hey congrats :-D

    And good luck with your studies :-)

  2. This is an awesome post Mihaela! Congrats girlie!!!

  3. I love this post!!!! You've accomplished so much as a blogger!!! Congrats on your blogoversary chickie :))). May you have many many more!!! Good luck in school :)))

  4. CONGRATS!!!!! I can't believe it is only a year!! You are definitely one of my favorite bloggers. I hope you have a great second year and that your studies go extremely well!

  5. Thank you so much! I'm glad you like it!

  6. Thank you so much Gosia! Yes, I'm amazed by how far I've come in one year. And I have to thank you as well for including me in your challenges!

  7. Thank you so much! Your blog is one of the few where I never miss a post. Thank you for always reading my posts and for leaving such sweet comments all the time. Btw, I answered your Liebster questions, not sure if you've seen the post.
