
Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Where In The World Challenge: Australia

Hello lovelies! Hope your week is going great! Today is the start of a new adventure. Some of you might have noticed that my sidebar now has 2 challenge banners. One is the Girly Girl banner and the other one is the Where In The World  challenge banner. I won't go into detail about the rules of this challenge, for that you can click here. This challenge was started by Gosia of Life in Color! and Jin of Superficially Colorful. Each manicure has a certain country as a theme. The beauty is in the fact that it's not mandatory to post at a certain time and you can go at your own pace. You only have to follow the order of the list and you can join at any time! I will try to post at least one of these a week, but my goal is to do 2 per week if possible. The first country and the one we will be talking about today is Australia.

If you don't understand what those are, well, they are koalas. Everybody thinks of the kangaroo as the symbol of Australian wildlife, but in fact there are many marsupials that live there. Every time I do one of these challenges, I will also talk about something I've learned while I was doing them. And here's the thing about koalas. Many people refer to them as koala "bears" and that's wrong. They have nothing in common with bears, except for the similar appearance, which made settlers call them bears when they first arrived there. They are nocturnal marsupials and eat eucalypt leaves. These are actually indigestible and toxic for most species, but the koala takes care of that by sleeping for 16 to 18 hours every day. Another interesting fact is that they have opposable thumbs. If you want to find out more about koalas check out this wikipedia article.

The base color for this mani is Revlon Smoky Canvas. I painted the koalas using a thin nail art brush and several polishes. I also used some dotting tools for the eyes. I had a lot of mishaps with this manicure. I tried using the Konad top coat and it bubbled terribly. After that I realized I forgot to make the pupils so I made them on top and then did another coat of Seche Vite. This smudged some of the pupils and made my koalas look weird in the end. I know it's not a neat design, but I still think they are cute. 

I hope the next challenge will come out better! Here's a list of all the countries in the challenge. Don't forget you can join us at any time! 

Here are the links to all the ladies participating in this challenge. Check them out to see what they have come up with! 

Thank you for reading! 


  1. OMG They are so cute!! I planed to do a Koala too, but I need to wait for the weekend.
    I really love these!!!!

  2. Osum possum Koala!

  3. Your Koalas are absolutely adorable! They're definitely the first things I think of when I hear Australia!!

  4. oh my gosh, this is so cute!!!! I actually was thinking about doing Koalas, but with my wonderful freehand skills I didn't want to blow you guys away and make you jealous of my talent LOLOLOLOL!!!! I love this mani!!! =)

  5. completely adorable! I really love this... great job!

  6. Thank you! Can't wait to see yours!

  7. Thank you! I think they are way cuter than the kangaroos!

  8. Thank you so much! You're so funny! They are not that hard to do. I just had a clumsy moment which made them look harder.

  9. Thank you Mandy! I'm glad you like them!

  10. This is absolutely adorable. SO SO CUTE

  11. These are so cute - and they look like the real deal)))

  12. Thank you! I looked at some pictures before to make sure they were as close as possible.
