Saturday, October 13, 2012

Sat-ART-Day Club: 1950's

Hello my lovelies! I'm so glad it's Saturday today, you have no idea! I'm amazed by how fast time flies these days. I'm sure this weekend will be over in a jiff and it's gonna be time for those Monday Blues again. But meanwhile I have a couple of nail art posts for you and the one from today has a retro theme. Whenever I think of the 50's all I see in my head are pastels, polka dots and bows. So I tried to incorporate that in today's fun manicure. Here's what I came up with! 

I started with a base of China Glaze Kinetic Candy, which I also posted about here. For some reason my new light box makes it look more vivid than it actually is. It's a powder blue that is pastel enough to go well with the 50's theme. I then did some stamping over it using my no name white stamping polish. Unfortunately, I had forgotten the bottle unscrewed from the day before and it got very thick. I tried to thin it with lots of Seche Restore but it was still gloopy so the dots didn't come out perfect. Some of them are really distorted and I apologize for that. 

The plates I used for this are from the first Cheeky set and they are CH1 for the bow and CH6 for the dots. I definitely like this bow better than the one on m59, which is huge and can't fit on my small nail beds. 

in the sun
This manicure was very fun to do but I admit I crave a lot of vampy fall shades on my nails at the moment so I didn't keep it on for long. I'm sure I'm gonna revisit this color scheme next spring though. Please check out the other posts from the Sat-ART-Day Club ladies today! 

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