
Wednesday, November 14, 2012

I ♥ Fall Tag

Hello lovelies! I haven't done a tag in a while now and I got tagged by Joanna from The Treasure Chest to do this lovely fall themed tag. I also saw it on Gosia's and Jin's blogs, so I'm gonna add the collection at the bottom of the post in case you wanna read their posts and join. Let's get started! 

1. Favorite fall lip product? 

I have to admit I don't wear lipstick or lip gloss very often. Every time I buy one of these products, I'm very proud of my purchase, then I end up wearing it once or twice before it goes to oblivion. So I'm not gonna show you some fancy fall lip color that I never wear. My favorite lip products are definitely lip balms, especially in the cold season when the lips need that extra care. I like the ones from Balea because they are cheap and have fruity scents. Here are the ones I use at the moment. 

Grapefruit and mandarin. Fruity and delicious! 

2.Favorite fall nail polish?

Like most of my predecessors, I couldn't decide on just one, so I chose 3. 

Nubar 2010 and China Glaze Make a Spectacle are two fall themed layering polishes. Both have orange, gold and copper tones in them, so they are perfect to create amazing fall combos. I also included China Glaze Man Hunt because there had to be a blue in my selection. This one is just the right tone for fall. It's darker but still bright enough to look blue and not black in any light. 

3.Favorite fall/autumn Starbucks drink?

This is kind of a hard question for me because I don't drink Starbucks. Frankly, I find their stuff too expensive and I don't even like the coffee blend they use. So I mostly drink regular, home made coffee all year round. Whether it's summer or fall, my day always starts with one cup of this magic liquor. 

4.Favorite fall candle?

My favorite candle would have to be something that smells like pumpkin. I just love the smell of pumpkin and all things related to it. But because I didn't have one to photograph for you, here are some cute chocolate shaped candles I have in my room. They smell like chocolate too! 

5.Favorite fall scarf/accessory

This one is easy because I love scarves! I usually wear them with my coat when I go out. I don't really like them indoors. But they sure are cozy in the cold season. I could not get a good shot of my favorite scarf so you'll just have to imagine it. It's purple and it has small tassels on the edge. 

6.Haunted house, haunted hay ride or haunted corn maze?

I think a haunted house is more authentic. I don't really know what a haunted hay ride is, but I'll leave it at that. 

7. Favorite Halloween movie?

I love Tim Burton's work so The Nightmare Before Christmas is one of my favorites. I also used to love The Witches Of Eastwick when I was younger.

8. Favorite candy to eat on Halloween?

My favorite candy is chocolate. Any form will do, any holiday will do, just chocolate for me thanks.

9.What are you dressing up as for Halloween?

I didn't go out this year for Halloween and since nobody goes trick-or-treating in my country, I didn't dress up.

10.What's your favorite thing(s) about fall?

I love wearing boots, fall colors (especially nail polish), cozy sweaters, pumpkins and roasted chestnuts.

That's it! If you are reading this, consider yourself tagged. Have fun!


  1. I like this tag I think I'm going to do it too!

  2. Can I tag myself to do this? ;) ... Wait but it's not Autumn here. :( haha.

  3. Azi am aflat de blogul tau si ma bucur enorm sa gasesc fete, chiar Clujence pasionate de nail art si oje. Imi plac foarte mult unghiile si postartile tale am incercat sa parcurc blogul tau si am gasit multe modele pe placul meu. Poti sa ma numeri printre membrii blogului tau, o sa iti urmaresc postarile cu mare interes! Sa ai parte de o zi minunata!

  4. Ce ma bucur ca in sfarsit gasesc un nail blogger din Cluj! Nu stiu daca stii, dar saptamana trecuta a fost o intalnire a bloggeritelor din Cluj. Imi pare rau ca nu te stiam inainte sa le spun la fete sa te cheme si pe tine. Am fost singura la intalnire care se ocupa cu unghiile si mi-ar fi placut tare mult sa mai fie cineva "de specialitate". M-am uitat si eu putin la tine pe blog si sa stii ca imi plac foarte mult unghiile tale! Trebuie sa te adaugam in grupul de Facebook pentru Cluj!

  5. Well you can pretend it is hehe. Everyone is tagged!

  6. I'm doing it right!

  7. Am vazut fotografii de la intalnirea bloggeritelor din Cluj si astfel am aflat de tine. Ma bucur ca iti plac creatiile mele, de multa vreme am acest hobby, mi-am dorit sa fac si un curs, dar timpul nu imi permite, am o fetita de 6 ani si lucrez in publicitate ce imi rapeste mult timp! Pentru mine pictarea unghiilor inseamna relaxare :) M-asi bucura sa particip si eu la viitoare astfel de intilniri!
