
Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Polish Days: MAN-icure

Hello my lovelies! It's time for another Polish Days post! As many of you know, this month is also known as Movember, due to an initiative to raise awareness for male health issues, specifically prostate and testicular cancer. Men are invited to grow a moustache during the whole month of November. That's why this month's Polish Days is man-themed. I already did moustache nails last year and you can check out the post here. So this time I went with something a little different. Let's take a look! 

Here's the story behind this manicure. Since I already did moustache nails, I went with creating a manicure as a tribute to a man in my life. And of course I chose my boyfriend. His hobby is remote control helicopters and planes, so I took inspiration from his smallest helicopter because it's the only one that fits into my hand. Here it is. 

Don't be fooled by this small thing, it's not a toy. I tried to fly it myself and failed miserably. Driving a car is child's play compared to controlling this little thing! 

The light isn't the best in these photos but I hope you will forgive me. It was already dark outside and it's so hard to fit this under a lamp. Now let's talk some nail specifics. The base color for this is China Glaze Sunshine Pop. This yellow is the most staining polish in the world. Even with 2 coats of base coat, it still left a slight yellow tinge on my nails. I don't think I will ever use it again. Then I did some stamping with China Glaze Liquid Leather and an image from plate CH8. Finally, the little helicopter was free handed with the said black and a thin nail art brush. 

Thank you for stopping by and I really hope you liked my MAN-icure! Check out the other ladies participating in this month's Polish Days! 


  1. SUPER COOL. Love your design and inspiration so much!!

  2. Thank you Hannah! Glad you like it!x

  3. Awh that's so cool you dedicated this to your BF!!!! Really edgy mani!!!

  4. Ce manichiura simpatica :D Nu prea ma omor dupa galben dar in combinatia asta arata bine :)

  5. Thank you Gosia! It was time I dedicated one to him since the blog is more than one year old.

  6. Mersi mult! Nici eu nu am foarte multe oje galbene si de obicei le combin cu negru sau albastru ca sa mai atenuez efectul.
