
Saturday, December 22, 2012

Holly Jolly Holiday Tag

Hello lovely readers! This post is something out of the ordinary, but I do hope you'll like it. I got tagged by Elissa from Lissa's Polish Addiction (head over to her blog because she has beautiful manis) to do the Holly Jolly Holiday Tag. I'm always interested to know how people spend the holidays and what traditions every country has. So I thought it would be fun to answer these questions and keep the tag going, so other people do it too. Let's get to the questions! 

1. Do you start your Christmas shopping on Black Friday or wait until the last minute?
We didn't have Black Friday over here until this year. Now the Romanian shops are all trying to copy the American habit of having a Black Friday. I still think it's too early to do Christmas shopping on that day and I tend to do stuff pretty last minute anyway.

2. If you could be in any Christmas movie what would it be?
I'm gonna pick How The Grinch Stole Christmas because I love the little town and its inhabitants. 

3. Which do you like better: Christmas Eve or Christmas Day?
This is a hard one. I think Christmas Day because you get to relax more. Christmas Eve is usually a busy day in our household and the preparations take almost the whole day, so it's mostly work.

4. When does your family put up your Christmas tree and who decorates it? 
Our country doesn't have the habit of putting up the Christmas tree early in December. So it depends, but we usually do it just a few days before Christmas. This year we've been extra lazy, so it's still not up even though it's the 22nd. Me and my sister decorate it. We'll probably do it tomorrow if we have time.

5. White lights or colored lights?
Definitely colored! 

6. Are you guilty of peeking at your presents or do you like the surprise?
I love surprises so I mostly resist the temptation. 

7. Would you rather live in a gingerbread house or in Santa's Workshop?
Santa's Workshop sounds magical! 

8. Tell us your Christmas Eve traditions!
Well, as I mentioned before, the day consists mostly of preparations. My mom cooks and we clean around the house or decorate the tree if it's not up yet. Then in the evening, Santa comes and brings all the presents. We sing some carols and then open our presents. In Romania, people usually open their presents on Christmas Eve so that's what we do. Then there's dinner and watching Christmas movies or TV.

9. If you could be under the mistletoe with anyone who would it be?
My boyfriend, of course.

10. What tops your tree?
It's sort of a long decoration with round parts and a hole in the bottom. And it's gold. Great description, isn't it?

11. Can you name the 12 days of Christmas?
Nope. We don't have that over here.

12. Have you ever gone Christmas caroling?
Yes, we used to do it often when we were little. Then in high school there was the tradition of going caroling to each other's homes on Christmas night. I haven't done that in ages though. 

13. Do you countdown to Christmas? If so, how many days are left?
I don't usually do that. But today is easy. There are 3 days left! 

14. What are some foods and treats you can count on having every holiday season?
In our country, there is a special cake that gets made on Christmas and Easter. I just googled it and apparently it's translated as sweet bread in English. It's filled with either walnut or poppy seeds or raisins. The walnut one is my favorite! 

15. How has Christmas kept its magic for you as you've grown older?
I guess winter and snow is part of the Christmas magic. I wouldn't feel it was Christmas if I would live somewhere where it's warm. I also love the colors, the music and the movies. It's my favorite holiday and the one time of year when I'm actually not a Grinch. 

This was really fun to write! I hope you liked reading it. If you made it this far, consider yourself tagged! I really want to find out how other people spend Christmas. And please leave me a comment if you do this tag, so I don't miss it! 

Happy Holidays!! 


  1. I'm pretty bad at picking up tags unless someone tags me specifically but I LOVE reading them!!! I read this one right away actually, I"m just really bad at commenting, especially when I'm at work. I love finding out more about bloggers!!

  2. I should have tagged you straight up then. I must admit that I'm lazy and would have probably postponed this till never if I wasn't tagged specifically. This one was especially interesting because people have different traditions for Christmas. You have to tell us about yours at least next year!
