Sunday, December 23, 2012

Polyvore Collage Day: Holiday Wishlist

Hello lovelies and happy Sunday! After a few weeks of absence, Polyvore Collage Day is finally back. And since Christmas is around the corner, this week we had to do a collage with our wishlists. Fun, right? Here's mine! 

Holiday Wishlist

The 2 palettes I've included are already ordered, but none of them has arrived yet. They are: NYX The Crimson Amulet Collection (inspired by the movie Dark Shadows) on the left and Stila Snow Angel Color Palette on the right. I still have hope for the Stila one to show up tomorrow, but otherwise I will get them both after Christmas. Then I have included the China Glaze Cirque du Soleil collection. I have a huge wishlist from this collection, but I still haven't ordered them yet, so this is more of an after holiday wish. Cozy sweaters are what winter is all about, so I need a few more to stay warm this season. And then books. I love reading and I love receiving books. So basically, if it's something beauty related or books you are giving me, chances are I will be very happy. 

Please stop by the other ladies and see what they have on their wishlists! Happy Holidays! 

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