
Saturday, January 5, 2013

Where In The World Challenge: United Kingdom

Hello lovelies! It's been a (really long) while since my last Where In The World post. I know I've been a bad blogger. First there were exams, then there was the winter challenge, so I've neglected this one because I could. If you aren't familiar with this challenge, the only rules are that you have to do all countries in order, but you can post as much (or as little) as you want. To try to catch up with my partners in crime, I will try to post regularly every Saturday from now on. Hope I will keep up! So today we're going to the UK. Are you ready? 

I had a lot of trouble coming up with a manicure for this country. Yes, it's an easy one and there are a lot of famous things about it. I even went there this summer. So I wanted to do something that was sort of a personal connection between me and the country. I had at least 2-3 ideas that I was sure I was going to put into practice. Then I ended up not liking them somehow. So finally I decided that my biggest connection with this country (besides British polish, which I love) is through music. I also found this great guitar image on one of my plates and it was settled. 

The Beatles is one of my favorite bands and I've been listening to them since forever. I remember being obsessed with them when I was around 13. Talk about weird teenagers, huh? Even though I'm not as obsessed as I used to be, I still listen to them and I know most of their songs by hard. I tried to recreate their iconic logo on my ring finger with a nail art brush. Of course it's a mess compared to the original, but it's the best I could do. I used 2 coats of Rapsodi 302 on the other nails, then stamped the awesome guitar image from plate CH31 using China Glaze Liquid Leather. 

I really hope you enjoyed my manicure. Here's a little video if you are nostalgic like me: 


  1. Fantastic represantation!!!

  2. Awesome! Great idea - perfect mani!

  3. So fun! Love it!

  4. I love it Mihaela!!!! So much better than my gummi-worm ala monster of Loch Ness LOL :)). I just love your freehand skills on the writing!! I can't ever get those right. Awesome mani!!!

  5. Thank you, Gosia! I really liked your little monster too. He was so cute. And you did have a great idea too!
