
Saturday, April 13, 2013

Guest post for Life in Color!

Hello loves! Some of you might know my friend Gosia from Life in Color! because we do Monday Blues together. Well at this very moment, she is climbing Mount Everest! Can you believe it? I will never do something as challenging as that but now at least I can brag that I know somebody who climbed the Everest! While she is away, she invited me to do a guest post on her blog. You can find it here or by clicking on the picture below. 

Make sure you head over to Gosia's blog to find out more about this manicure. I feel really honored that she hosted me and wish her the best of luck in her adventure! 


  1. marble manicures are so cool! love the color combo you chose

  2. WOW! Climbing Mt. Everest right now - and here I am recovering in bed still from a post op thing I thought I would be waaaaay down the road feeling much better from by now almost a week later. I am going to ride a high thinking of your friend climbing Everest as the stairs here up to my place are more than I can deal with right now...ugh.Onward to a MUCH better week upcoming I say!

  3. I really hope you are feeling better! Sorry I didn't reply sooner. I know sometimes we are climbing our own Everest even though we are the only ones who know it cause for other people it might look like something easy. Get well soon!
