Sunday, April 21, 2013

Kiko Holographic 401

Hello lovelies and happy Sunday! Yesterday I got rid of another exam and now I'm back with another post, as promised. I just realized that I've posted too little this month, so I will try to make it up to you next week. I have a few things to show you and frankly I was quite indecisive as to what I should post today. Since it's still gorgeous outside and the sun has been gracing us with its presence for most of the week, I decided to show you what I've been staring at for the last few days. This week I've been wearing a couple of holos. The first one is blue, so you will see it tomorrow for Monday Blues. The second one is the object of today's post. 

Kiko 401 Peacock Green in the sun
I must tell you from the start that this might just be my favorite holographic polish from all the ones I own. What is so amazing about it is the color, of course, and the fact that it's bright and always looks teal. There are some holos that look silver or some variation of charcoal in certain lights. But it's not the case with this one. The name Peacock Green is kinda off in my opinion. The color is more blue and lighter compared to peacock green. It has a linear holo finish that is not very strong, but still quite noticeable in the sun. 

Kiko 401 Peacock Green in the sun
Another good light for the holo effect was the halogen lamp beside my bed. Unfortunately that lamp makes my skin look diseased so I can't take photos in it. You'll just have to settle for the sun ones. I had a lot of time to play with it in the sun so I took quite a few pictures. Hope you like them! 

Kiko 401 Peacock Green in the sun
The formula was pretty much like the previous Kiko holo I reviewed (link here). There is a tendency to drag, but it doesn't compare to other holos. 2 coats applied with a little care were all it took to make it opaque. Since I don't like wearing polish without top coat, I used a coat of Seche Vite on top. The top coat doesn't dull the holo effect at all. Here's how it looks in artificial light. 

Kiko 401 Peacock Green indoors, artificial light
 I wore this for 3 days and it started chipping after 2 days. I know that holos have a tendency to chip sooner so I think it's ok. Once again I would like to thank Chiro for helping me get this amazing polish. Even though it is now discontinued, I hope you've enjoyed looking at this beauty! 

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