
Wednesday, May 15, 2013

p2 Sand Style Seductive

Hello my lovelies! How is this week treating you so far? I must say that I'm already very tired and only 2 days have passed. Wish the other 3 would go by sooner! On the bright side, I'm going to see The Great Gatsby on Thursday and I'm extremely excited because I've been waiting for this movie for months. I really wanted to do some nail art for the occasion but I don't think I will have time for that. Anyway, today I'm showing you another textured polish. Have to say that I'm completely obsessed with these and this particular one is nothing short of amazing. 

p2 Sand Style 030 Seductive indoors, artificial light

After trying Confidential, I obviously needed more polishes from the p2's Sand Style collection. Seductive was my second pick and I couldn't be more happier that I chose it. The color of this textured polish is quite interesting and pretty unique. It's burgundy, which means it can look more purple or more red depending on the light. It actually looks more purple than this in natural light. I haven't seen another textured polish of this color, so I think it's a win. Another great thing about it is the golden shimmer that makes it very sparkly, a lot more than my pictures show. 

p2 Sand Style 030 Seductive indoors, artificial light
The formula was a dream as well. 2 perfect coats and no cleanup needed. This was also surprisingly easy to remove. When I wore Confidential I was really scared of the gritty texture and used the foil method to remove it. But this time I was too lazy to cut foil pieces, so I just used the normal method. I literally couldn't believe how easy it came off. Of course I needed to try it with top coat to see how it looked. Again I was totally in awe. 

p2 Sand Style 030 Seductive with top coat, indoors, artificial light
I can't even describe how beautiful this looks with top coat. My pictures don't capture even half of the beauty of this. Here's a shot in direct light. 

p2 Sand Style 030 Seductive with top coat, indoors, artificial direct light
So what else can I say? I love a polish that looks great with and without top coat. Can't wait to get my hands on the other polishes in this collection. The very convenient price only makes it easier. 


  1. Jasmine de la CruzMay 15, 2013 at 9:23 AM

    Such a lovely polish! :)

  2. e o nuanta superba!Iar cu lac deasupra in opinia mea arata mult mai bine :))

  3. this polish is stunning! it's one of my favs. The whole sand style collection rocks :)

  4. Mie imi place cu topcoat, fara ma lasa rece, nu prea m-a prins trendul asta.

  5. E pur si simplu dementiala <3 <3

  6. Cu tip fost e si mai frumoasă oja.Se da insa greu jos banuiesc,nu?

  7. Nu, chiar deloc. Am fost uimita sa constat ca vine jos exact ca o oja cu putin sidef, in nici un caz ca un glitter.

  8. Multumesc! Din pacate se gasesc numai in Germania. Mi le-a luat prietenul meu cand a fost acolo.

  9. Poate daca ai vedea-o in realitate ti-ai schimba parerea. Chiar merita!

  10. Yes it does! I need all of them now!

  11. Arata bine in ambele feluri, depinde numai de gusturi. E superba tot timpul!

  12. Cu top coat e si mai frumoasă oja.Se da insa greu jos banuiesc,nu?

  13. wow ce oja frumoasa!! de unde le cumperi pe cele de la p2?

  14. E pur si simplu dementiala <3 <3

  15. Mie imi place cu topcoat, fara ma lasa rece, nu prea m-a prins trendul asta.
