
Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Catrice The GlamoureX Factor

Hello lovelies! How is your week going along? I'm starting with exams tomorrow so wish me luck! As usual, on Wednesdays I do a post from the untried challenge. This week's theme is "warm", the sort of color I never wear because my skin tone doesn't allow it. I decided to go with a gold polish because there's nothing warmer than gold, right? 

Catrice The GlamoureX Factor indoors, artificial light

The GlamoureX Factor is another one of the newer Catrice shades. I was happy to see that they came up with this one because there are not many wearable golds out there, so I had to try it out. It's a gorgeous gold metallic polish that is more on the cooler side of gold, which means it can look fairly decent on my skin tone. It's also extremely sparkly and it made my camera freak out a bit. 

Catrice The GlamoureX Factor indoors, artificial light
This was the first of the new Catrice polishes that didn't have an uneven brush. The brush is by no means perfect, but it's at least decent compared to the other ones I have. I did 2 thin coats and the polish applied easily and there were almost no streaks. One coat of Seche Vite took care of any minor imperfection it might have had. 

Catrice The GlamoureX Factor indoors, artificial light
I really love this gold and I've already used it 2 times this week. You will see the nail looks I created with it in the following posts. Meanwhile, check out the other posts for today's collaboration: 

11. Ana's Beauty Blog -

And here's the list of themes for this challenge: 

Thank you for stopping by!


  1. Eu sunt mai mult cu argintiul, auriul nu prea e culoarea mea. :)) Dar arata bine pe unghiutele tale, e o oja frumoasa. :)

  2. Its a lovely shade of gold. Not a huge fan of noticeable brush strokes but this one isn't too bad.

  3. de cand tot caut un asa auriu...parca toate care le gasesc sunt numai galbuiurile acelea stridente :( asta e perfect, exact auriul care trebuie sa fie <3 ... imi plac :D

  4. Da da stiu ce vrei sa zici. Cele cu tenta galbena nu arata deloc bine in combinatie cu pielea mea. Mai e si Orly Rage care e un rose gold superb. Astea 2 le pot purta fara probleme. :)

  5. I really don't mind brush strokes but I can tell you that this one didn't show any. Pictures always tend to make them look more evident than in real life.

  6. Si eu eram mai mult cu argintiul pana am gasit cateva nuante de auriu care-mi plac. Oricum argintiul ramane preferatul meu!
