
Sunday, June 2, 2013

Modern art is hard!

Hello lovelies and happy Sunday! Today I want to share a splatter adventure with you. As you can see from my blog banner, I really love this pattern. I have tried this type of nail art only once before and it wasn't easy at all. I used the straw method back then and swore I would never attempt it again. But there is another way to do a splatter manicure and I decided to try it last week. A good tutorial for this splatter method can be found here. I followed the directions and ended up with the following result. 

Yes, I did love it a lot. But let me tell you that this wasn't a walk in the park. You have to use acrylic paints, dilute them with water and then splatter your nails with a fluffier brush. First off, I would recommend doing this over your sink because the drops go everywhere except the nails, of course. My sink was full of paint at the end and my hand looked like this. 

The only good thing about this method is the fact that you use acrylic paint, so you can wash your hands with water after you're done. Of course you have to top coat the nails first or your beautiful work of art will be destroyed. All in all, this was quite a frustrating experience and took a lot of time for just one hand. This only proves that modern or abstract art can be hard to do, even though it looks totally random. 

After finishing my right hand, I was incapable of doing it again on my left hand, so I took my fan brush and just painted the acrylic colors randomly on the nails. The base I used for both hands was OPI My Boyfriend Scales Walls, of course. Here's how my other abstract design looked like. 

I like the splatter hand better, but I must say that this didn't look bad either. And it was so much easier to create! I'm not sure how long it will be until I'll try another splatter. They do look great but I guess I don't have the patience and skill they require. 


  1. yeap yeap, Love the splatter one! The colours you used were spot on bright and vibrantly fun!!! ♥

  2. ai avut ceva de curatat :)) eu de obicei folosesc scoci pt a proteja cuticulele...foarte bine arata!

  3. Foarte frumos ti-a iesit, eu am incercat o data tehnica cu paiul si m-am lasat :)) o sa incerc o data si cum ai facut tu, dar cand am muuulta rabdare ;))

  4. i love splatter, but i've never tried it this way. I love the photo of your messy hand over the sink lol xx

  5. Ce frumos ti-a iesit ! Eu inca nu am incercat metoda cu paiul pentru ca mi-a fost frica de curatat :)) Dar poate pana la urma incerc o data si o data :)) Te pup

  6. Foarte frumoase. Trebuie sa incerc si eu modelul cu paiul.

  7. este superba manichiura ta.
    Parca m-as incumeta si eu sa incerc si nou. :)

  8. Asta e foarte tareeeeee :X:X dar si mainile tale :)) super colorate!

  9. so that is how you do it hahahah love the splatter hand :D

  10. Thanks! I just used almost all the colors from my acrylic set. They are great!

  11. Mersi! Si eu folosesc scotch pentru water marble. Numai ca aici ar fi trebuit scotch pe toata mana, nu numai in jurul unghiei. Oricum s-a dus cu apa deci a fost usor. Partea grea a fost stropirea.

  12. Multumesc mult! E nevoie de rabdare, recunosc, dar nu e nici pe departe atat de enervant ca si cu paiul. Eu simteam gustul ojei in gura. Plus ca de multe ori pateam sa mi se faca stropi imensi pe unghie.

  13. Thanks! You should try this method. I find it easier than the straw one.

  14. Multumesc! Incearca mai bine metoda asta pe care am folosit-o acum. E mult mai usor sa cureti acrilicele pentru ca se duc cu apa.

  15. Multumesc mult! Ma bucur ca-ti place! A fost usor cu culorile pentru ca am folosit ce aveam in cutia cu acrilice si asta a iesit.

  16. Multumesc! Ai nevoie de ceva rabdare, dar merita!

  17. Thanks! Yeah, it's messy but worth it.

  18. Nu-mi gasesc cuvintele sa-ti spun cat de mult imi place splatter-ul tau! Absolut geniala combinatia de culori!!!
