
Monday, June 17, 2013

Monday Blues: Barry M Indigo

Hello my lovelies! Did you ever do a manicure that looked perfect on your nails and then translated awfully into fotos? If you're a nail blogger, this probably occurred at least once or twice. I'm used to this happen to me when it comes to makeup, but I get so frustrated when it's with nails. The manicure I'm showing for today's Monday Blues is just like that. 

This manicure was inspired by my biggest nail crush of all time, The Polished Perfectionist. I honestly love her nails and can't get enough of her elegant and subtle nail art. This particular look was created by her using Barry M Indigo and an Orly polish that I don't own. I was happy to find some Flormar polishes in my collection that could easily replace it. But let's take a look at the base first. 

Barry M Indigo indoors, artificial light
Barry M Indigo is the perfect shade of, well, indigo. It's somewhere between blue and purple so for me it's still in the blue family. The shade is dark, but still light enough to not look black. Shades like this are very hard to photograph because of the way everything reflects on the nail. And since my camera has absolutely no ability to show purple, the color looked way off in the pictures and I had to alter it to seem more close to reality. I almost didn't post the picture above because I didn't like the end result at all. The polish was also a bit thick and applied with some streaks. Nothing that a good top coat can't fix but the picture above doesn't have any. 

On the tips I sponged some Flormar U08 and a bit of U16 to give even more of a purple sheen. But of course it wouldn't show up properly in my pictures. I took tons of photos in all kind of lights and nothing. The only vague idea of purple on the tips can be seen in the following picture that was taken in the sun. 

In conclusion, all I can tell you is that these nails looked a thousand times better in real life than they do in my photos. I also wore them in a proud manner for 2 or 3 days. I hope that I managed to at least give you an idea of how these looked live. Meanwhile you can check out some great photos of blue manicures by clicking on the links below. 

Have a great week! 


  1. It still looks really good! Can't see the gradient well but its subtle in the pictures which is pretty :) Sometimes my pictures don't show the true color of the polish too which is frustrating.

  2. E superba manichiura! Si eu o urmaresc cu mare drag pe The Polished Perfectionist, fotografiile ei sunt mereu de nota 20.

  3. wwo! mie mi se pare ca se vede perfect! Chiar daca sclipiciul nu e intens e perfect atat cat sa se vada superb fara sa fie ostentativ. Iar nuanta ojei e fantastica!

  4. Sper ca esti fericita, din cauza ta eu vreau acum o oja violet :)) )nu ca nu pusesem ochii deja pe una de la Kiko :D). Superba manichiura, ca de obicei :*

  5. Marisa (Polish Obsession)June 18, 2013 at 2:26 AM

    I know what you mean about it not looking the same in pictures, but this looks gorgeous to me!!! Indigo is one of my faves and I love the addition of the glitter.

  6. Pretty indeed, even with, what you call " terrible pictures"

  7. Foarte frumos arata, am si eu aceasta nuanta si imi place ft mult sa o port!

  8. It looks very pretty!

  9. LOVE IT!!! My wallet is begging you to stop making me want all the blues!!

  10. Astept sa ajung la magazin :))). O sa ma duc saptamana viitoare cred sa mai iau niste oje, de parca n-am destule :D

  11. Well I'm sorry but I guess your wallet is gonna have to suck it up. I'm not gonna stop anytime soon! :)

  12. Thank you, Marisa! I know this one is very popular and it took me quite some time to get it. But better late than never. It's a beauty!

  13. Sa stii ca sunt! :D Imi place mult sa inspir pe altii. Si asa au reduceri la Kiko asa ca ce mai astepti?

  14. Multumesc mult! Se vede ok dar in realitate era mult mai frumos!

  15. Multumesc mult! De obicei nu-mi place sa copiez alte manichiuri dar in cazul ei e o exceptie.

  16. Thank you! Colors like this are very hard to photograph. My camera hates purple!

  17. Beautiful love the subtle move to glitter :D
