
Monday, July 29, 2013

Monday Blues: Jessica Surfer Boyz 'n Berry

Hello my lovelies! I'm still in Germany so this is a scheduled post. I couldn't miss the Monday Blues of this week because I haven't missed one ever since I started, over a year ago. So today I have a lovely Jessica polish to show you. I was actually in doubt if I should post this one as a Monday Blue because it's somewhere on the border between blue and green. But a lot of people have named it blue so I'm gonna do the same. 

Jessica Surfer Boyz 'n Berry indoors, artificial light

As you can see above, this polish has a very special color. It's somewhere between a mint and a light blue. It looks more green in artificial light and more blue in natural light. You can see that in the pictures below. 

Jessica Surfer Boyz 'n Berry in the sun
This is my first Jessica polish and I really enjoyed the formula. It was opaque in 2 coats, although it would have needed a 3rd one to avoid a few bald spots. I decided to leave it at 2 and used a coat of Seche Vite to level everything out. 

Jessica Surfer Boyz 'n Berry in the sun
I love this color and I'm glad I got it, even though I have a ton of similar ones in my collection. The formula is good and the shade is lovely. Perfect for spring and summer!

To see more lovely Monday Blues, check out the links below! 

Have a great week! 


  1. Its a pretty blue/green! I only own one color from this brand but i really need to try some more out from them :)

  2. eu o vad verde :D , dar e o nuanta superba!!!

  3. MandyChameleonStampedeJuly 29, 2013 at 10:00 PM

    Leans a little more green to me, but it's in that Tiffany Blue realm that could go either way. Regardless, it's pretty!

  4. Marisa (Polish Obsession)July 30, 2013 at 12:11 AM

    I love this color too!

  5. It's the only one I own from them but I definitely need more!

  6. Da stiu ca e foarte la limita. Si cred ca depinde si de monitor cum apar culorile. In realitate e foarte greu sa zici daca e verde sau albastra.

  7. I know! I saw it on your blog ages ago and it was on my wishlist ever since. I finally had the chance to get it at a decent price and I couldn't say no.

  8. Thanks! I know it's very hard to say what color it is. It's even harder in real life!
