
Saturday, July 6, 2013

Red Roses

Hello my lovelies! The title of today's post is very straightforward. I recently got some beautiful red roses as a gift and since they can't be preserved forever I thought I would paint them on my nails as well. Of course the nails don't last either, but now I have these pictures as a memory. I don't usually use props for my pictures but this time I did my best to photograph the actual roses together with my nails. First let's take a look at the nail art. 

As a base I used my Inglot 992 manicure that I showed you on Monday. It was a few days old and it doesn't look great near the cuticles but I hope you will forgive that. The red roses looked great against the darker blurple base. I used acrylic paint and some thin nail art brushes to paint them. It was actually very easy to do and it took me little time. 

And now let's get to the pictures with the actual roses. I couldn't fit the stem in my small light box so I tried all kinds of light settings. 

I really had fun with these pictures, although my OCD wasn't very happy because some of my fingers were out of focus. I prefer having all my nails aligned and in focus. 

So what do you think? I think the resemblance is quite good. And the fact that these are so easy to paint is always a plus. I'm looking forward to doing more freehand nail art in the future, especially now that I have a good acrylics set and a very thin brush. 


  1. This is pretty! great job on recreating the roses, they look great :)

  2. Super frumosi trandafirasi <3<3<3

  3. Marisa (Polish Obsession)July 6, 2013 at 3:11 PM

    This is so gorgeous Mihaela!!! Your roses are perfect and I love them against the blurple.

  4. I think you did a SPLENDID job! :) Happy weekend!

  5. Foarte frumosi trandafirii tai ! :)

  6. Ce frumosi sunt! Imi place foarte mult contrastul intre trandafiri si oja! Abia astept sa vad si alte modele realizate de tine cu acrilice.

  7. Ce frumos arata, imi plac mult! <3

  8. Thank you, Marisa! I'm glad you like them!

  9. Multumesc mult! Si eu as vrea sa mai fac ceva cu acrilice. Deocamdata am nevoie de idei :)

  10. Multumesc! Ma bucur ca-ti plac!
