
Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Bondi New York Horny Mistress

Hello my lovelies! Do you ever live under the impression that there's not enough time in the day to do everything you wanna do? That's what I've been experiencing in the last few weeks. I have to study and that leaves me very little free time and I would like to do so much more in that time. Like for instance this post was meant to be written last night but it somehow didn't. Or the fact that I wanna answer comments on my posts a lot faster, but before I know it a week's worth of comments have piled up unanswered. So if you have a solution for my problem I would really appreciate it. Enough with the blabber, today I'm showing you another untried. The theme for this week was "creme", it really doesn't get easier than that. 

Bondi Horny Mistress indoors, artificial light

Last week I finally received my Bondi New York subscription box and I was very pleased with the colors it contained. One of them was Horny Mistress, a very rich and elegant red creme that I was actually wanting to try out. I don't go for red very often, but when I do I like them to be on the colder side, and that's exactly how Horny Mistress is. I did my best to capture the true color in the photos and I think I did a pretty good job. 

Bondi Horny Mistress indoors, artificial light
The formula was amazing. It goes on like butter and needs 2 coats because the first one shows some visible nail line. It dries very fast and to a high shine. I wanted to do some stamping on top of this but it was a big fail, so all you're getting today is swatches. But I promise I will have some Bondi nail art for you soon! 

Bondi Horny Mistress indoors, artificial light
I'm really glad I now have a good red creme in my collection. It's gonna look even better on me once my hands lose the little tan they accumulated over the summer. To see some more cremes from today's challenge, head over to these ladies' blogs: 


  1. Ce nuanta frumoasa :)

  2. Ce oja superba! Arata foarte frumos! O nuanta pe care nu prea am vazut-o la tine pe blog, sau mi se pare? :D

  3. Chiar ma gandeam ca n-am mai purtat de mult o oja rosie iar asta a ta arata perfect!

  4. Foarte frumoasa nuanta :-).

  5. Stephanie LovestruckLacquerAugust 29, 2013 at 9:08 AM

    beautiful red creme! the name is very cheeky too haha

  6. best nail for the girls.

  7. Ce bine arata, atat culoarea cat si forma usor rotunjita a unghiilor! Felicitari!

  8. Multumesc! Da, e adevarat. Nu prea port rosu si nuante calde pentru ca nu se potrivesc pielii mele. Eu sunt cu nuantele reci de albastru, verde, mov. Dar cateodata imi place sa am o manichiura rosie.

  9. Si eu le port foarte rar. Dar parca totusi in sezonul rece merg mai bine. Oricum am vazut ca intre timp ai incercat-o pe cea de la OPI si iti sta superb!

  10. It really is! I don't have many but this one is the best from what I own.

  11. Yes it is! I think it's kinda funny. :)

  12. Multumesc mult! Iubesc forma asta.
