
Monday, August 5, 2013

Monday Blues: Shimmer Polish Nichole

Hello my lovelies! I'm back to my normal routine and since it's Monday I will be sending some blue your way. I have a gorgeous glitter polish to show you today. It's not entirely blue but it has a lot of blue glitter in it and I also layered it over a blue base. Take a look! 

Shimmer Polish Nichole over Essie Mesmerize and Sation Strumming My Nails indoors, artificial light

Nichole* is the perfect 4th of July polish because of the color combo. I got it a little later so I couldn't post it on that occasion, but I think it's beautiful any time of the year. It consists of blue, red and silver glitter in a clear base. The color combo is just gorgeous and the fact that it has different sizes of glitter makes it even more unique. 

Shimmer Polish Nichole over Essie Mesmerize and Sation Strumming My Nails indoors, artificial light
Nichole is great for layering, so I used two different colors to show you how it can look depending on the base. On my accent finger I used Sation Strumming My Nails as a base and one coat of Nichole on top. The glitter payoff is very nice so one coat is enough for great coverage. On the other nails I created a glitter gradient over Essie Mesmerize. The combo with the darker blue makes it look more elegant and subtle. I loved how sparkly this was so I took some pictures in the sun too. 

Shimmer Polish Nichole over Essie Mesmerize and Sation Strumming My Nails in the sun
Nichole can be purchased from the Shimmer Polish website or their Etsy shop. They also make custom polishes and ship internationally! 

Shimmer Polish Nichole over Essie Mesmerize and Sation Strumming My Nails in the shade
I hope you've enjoyed this post! To see the first Monday Blues of August please click on the links below. 

Have a great week! 

*Disclaimer: Product sent for review consideration. For more info see my official disclosure policy.