
Saturday, August 24, 2013

The Secret Manicure: Blue Gradient

Hello my lovelies! I hope you are enjoying the weekend and the weather is great where you are. I have a very exciting post to share today. It's kinda like a Secret Santa we did in our group The Polish Addict on Facebook, only instead of gifts we are doing a manicure inspired by the person who was assigned to us. My secret person is the lovely Agota over at Nail Glaze. It was very exciting because besides the fact that she has a ton of amazing nail art on her blog (very hard for me to choose just one as inspiration), Agota and I live in the same city. How cool is that? So after browsing and browsing on her blog, I decided to pick a blue manicure (obviously), namely a blue gradient that you can find here. Here's how mine turned out. 

I didn't have the exact polishes Agota used for her gradient in my collection so I replaced them with what I had. I started with a base of Sation Strumming My Nails and then on a sponge I painted the following colors: Barry M Blueberry Ice Cream, Flormar 423, Illamasqua Caress and the Sation. I then sponged this combo about 3 times on each nail until I ended up with this result. 

I must say I'm pretty proud of this gradient. It's by no means perfect, especially on camera, but it looked so good in real life. I was almost sorry to cover it with the glitter. Here's another shot in the sun. 

The glitter Agota used on top of her gradient was Nicole by OPI Sweet Dreams. Not only did I own this but it was one of my untrieds, so I thought it was a great opportunity to try it out. It's made out of tiny purple glitter with larger green and silver hexagonal pieces. And it's a perfect match for this gradient! 

I'm very happy with how this turned out and hope Agota will like it too! To be honest I can't wait to see who got me as a secret person and which one of my manicures they chose. Here are all the ladies participating in the challenge: 

Maria (Konad Addict) -


  1. frumoasa manichiura ta secreta! :)

  2. foarte frumoase :)

  3. Ce frumoooos! E minunat gradientul iar glitterul e exact pe gustul meu!

  4. Foarte frumoasa manichiura :)

  5. It turned out so so lovely! I am so happy that you chose this manicure. Is one of my favorites actually :-D

  6. ti-a iesit superb gradientul. e o tehnica ce imi place foarte mult dar nu de fiecare data imi iese la fel de bine

  7. This is gorgeous! Love the gradient and the glitter combo :)

  8. So gorgeous!

  9. Stephanie LovestruckLacquerAugust 27, 2013 at 9:45 AM

    This is really pretty! I think I've only ever put black and white glitter over gradients so far... This mani definitely inspires me to try colored glitters over a gradient!

    Also just wondering how do you join the Facebook group? The link didn't work when I clicked on it... Are you accepting new members? Do I need to have a nails-only Facebook account first? I've had my blog for a while but I've been a recluse lol I haven't really commented on other people's blogs or talked to other nail girls much... Thanks so much! :)

  10. Multumesc mult! Oricum Agota primeste credit pentru combinatie.

  11. Thank you so much! I'm glad you like it!!

  12. Nici mie nu-mi iese intotdeauna dar sunt determinata sa tot incerc pana imi iese perfect. Multumesc mult!

  13. Thank you! I'm not sure why the link is not working, maybe because the group is secret. It's a Romanian group anyway so you won't understand anything from the discussions haha. But here are some international Fb nail groups that I enjoy:

    Polish-aholics Anonymous:
    Adventures in stamping (this is just stamping related):
    Crumpet's Nail Tarts (lots of nail art challenges):
    The Nail Polish Blogger Connection (blogging related discussions):

    These are the ones I'm in. I'm sure there are a lot more. Hope this helps!

  14. Stephanie LovestruckLacquerSeptember 9, 2013 at 10:42 AM

    thanks so much! I'll definitely check those out when I'm not so busy!
