
Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Born Pretty Store Nail Art Brush Kit Review

Hello my lovelies! Today's post is all about brushes. Nail art brushes to be precise. I'm always looking for the best ones out there, so when I saw this brush kit from the Born Pretty Store I just had to try it out. They were kind enough to send it to me and I've been testing it out in the past weeks, so now I can tell you what I think. First off, here's how what I'm talking about. 

Born Pretty Store nail art brushes*

The kit consists of 4 detail brushes of different sizes. Each brush comes in a different plastic tube, which is very nice because it allows for them to get stored properly without being ruined. A lot of brushes come with little plastic caps, but they usually come off easily and it's very annoying. I think these longer tubes are a great idea. I tried to photograph the brushes next to a ruler so you can see how big the bristles actually are (size is in centimeters). 

As you can see, there is a good size variety in here and that's a good thing. However, the smallest brush is still not small enough to do really thin lines. I would say that it either needs a bit of trimming or you need a fifth brush to complete the collection. Another thing is that one of the brushes had a few stray bristles that I needed to trim. 

Other than that, I think these brushes are great for both acrylic paints and normal nail polish. I have used them for both and they were great each time. I have used them with acrylics for my sunflower nails from a couple of weeks ago.

And then I have used them with nail polish for my Sagittarius nails from last week. 

All in all, I think this is a great set to build your brush collection for a very affordable price. If you wanna check them out, you can find the brushes here. Don't forget to use code MFL91 at checkout to get 10% off your order!

Thank you for reading! 

*Disclaimer: Product sent for review consideration. For more info see my official disclosure policy.


  1. Arata stiam ca pensulele care le folosesti pentru acril sa nu le folosesti si cu oja ca le strici

  2. ce pacat ca cea mai mica nu e mai subtire. Inca nu am descoperit o pensula asa subtire pentru detalii :(

  3. Eu am multe pensule de genul si in general le-am folosit cu oja normala (ocazional cu acrilice) si nu s-au stricat. Oricum sunt pensule chinezesti si nu sunt facute special pentru acrilice sau pentru oja. Si parul e sintetic deci nu vad ce-ar putea pati. In ce sens mai exact sa se strice?

  4. Eu am gasit foarte subtire la un magazin specializat de arte plastice. Acolo au foarte multe tipuri de pensule si am ales-o pe cea mai subtire din magazin. Marca e Tonitza si masura 5|0. Sper sa gasesti si tu ceva asemanator!

  5. In sens cand le folosesti cu oja le cureti cu dizolvant si inaspreste putin parul si dupa aia nu o sa fie la fel de moale si manevrabil. Si eu tot asa fac, dar in ultimul timp am inceput sa folosesc mai mult acrilice si pensulele mele au cam suferit si nu mai sunt la fel de cooperante :D

  6. Inteleg ce vrei sa zici. Problema e ca astea nu sunt deloc flexibile din start. Eu n-am observat schimbarea asta la pensulele mele. Dar nici nu pot sa zic ca am avut pensule asa moi vreodata.

  7. wow, pensule nu m-am gandit ca am sa gasesc asa subtiri acolo. Daca e deschis in weekend srtiu un astfel de magazin, sper sa gasesc :D. Mersi de pont :D

  8. Mademoiselle LorraineSeptember 18, 2013 at 7:10 PM

    si eu azi mi-am cumparat o pensulica ft subtire, dar ma gandeam sa o folosesc la tusul gel:))
