Saturday, September 7, 2013

TPA Group Challenge: Inspired by a Flower

Hello my lovelies! It's Saturday! So while you are probably relaxing I'm off to study in a bit. But first I need to show you this week's TPA Group Challenge manicure. This week we had to be inspired by a flower, and since last week I've done stamping and I've also done plenty of flower manicures before, I wanted to do something out of the ordinary this time. I've been meaning to do a manicure inspired by this painting for ages. It was a birthday gift from a dear friend of mine and it sits by my bed to cheer me up whenever I'm down. Here's the painting I'm talking about. 

It looks easy to do, but recreating it on a tiny nail isn't that easy. Here's my final result. Please be gentle! 

I started with a black base (Moyra 35) and then painted the flowers using acrylic paints. I started with the thumb and was very thorough with that one, but by the time I was finished with it and saw how late it was, I needed to rush the other fingers or I wouldn't have slept that night. So the thumb came out the best. It's more similar to the painting. 

The rest of the fingers are a little wonky. On second thought, I could have done the flower just as an accent nail and left the other fingers more plain. But I like to do my nail art on all fingers. All in all, I'm happy I did this because I haven't done free hand nail art in so long and I love doing it. 

I really hope you've enjoyed this post! To see other beautiful flower manicures visit the links below. 

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