
Saturday, September 21, 2013

TPA Group Challenge: Inspired by a Season

Hello my lovelies! It's Saturday and I sure hope the weather is better where you are. Over here it's raining and it's frankly really depressing. I don't feel very happy about summer ending because I didn't get to do any summer stuff this year, so today's challenge theme had me in a pickle. I thought about choosing a season other than fall, but the weather outside doesn't really inspire me to do summer nails. So I went with fall nails using a new to me technique: watercolor nails. You might also notice that I shortened my nails quite a bit. I'm afraid they are gonna stay short like this and I'm not gonna grow them to the length they had for the past weeks. It's just not practical enough for me. Anyway, enough with the rambling, let's see the nails. 

Ok so, first off, these were very hard to photograph. I wanted the different colors to look different in the picture and I also wanted my skin to not look orange. My camera makes my skin look orange when I photograph yellows and rusty colors. So I played around with the settings and I managed to make them look decent but my skin became pink. Then I had to edit them to make my skin look decent again. Oh well, I guess I just have to stick with blue nails.

The technique I used to create these is called watercolor. I used regular polish and a larger brush dipped in acetone to diffuse the colors. I won't go into details and just tell you that I used this tutorial. I don't think they look bad for a first attempt. The 3 fall colors I played with are Flormar Supershine 42 (orange), H&M Fall In Love (brick red) and Rimmel Round and Round the Garden (green). I tried to recreate the color palette of fall leaves. Honestly, I was very surprised of how fun these were to create. I was expecting a disaster with all that acetone but no, it's quite an easy technique. 

Please tell me what you think in the comment section. Do these remind you of fall? Also, to see some more season inspired nails please check out the links below! 


  1. This looks soo pretty! I've never tried this technique but it's definitely on my future to do list :)))

  2. They are really autumnal ;)) Very nice!

  3. foarte frumoase :)

  4. The colors are just perfect for autumn :-)

  5. They are gorgeous and the technique is on my to do list ! :)

  6. wow! ai reusit sa surprinzi perfect culoriile toamnei :)

  7. no matter what color is your skin...your nails are AMAZING! :) foarte frumoase!

  8. Ce frumos e efectul creat :)

  9. I don't know about fall, but they do remind me of Monet! Nice job!
