
Thursday, October 31, 2013

October favorites and haul

Hello my lovelies! I have no idea where October went. Feels like just yesterday I was telling you how happy I was that September ended. October was a good month, with mostly sunny, warm weather, which is great for an autumn month. I've blogged quite a lot and have a few favorites to show you. I would like to apologize in advance for the randomness of these pictures. I also changed my camera this month, which resulted in my pictures looking all kinds of ways. Hope you don't mind! 

October 2013 favorites

So clockwise from the top left we have: mermaid scalesSimpsons nail art, my very first successful tribal nails with the help of stamping and the butterfly nails I did for the Madagascar theme. It's really hard to pick a favorite between these because each has its own reasons for being loved. 

I was pretty good this month and didn't buy a lot of stuff. I did buy a tripod for my new camera so I guess that's part of the reason. I also have some amazing nail mail on the way that I'm very excited about. But that will go into next month's haul post. Here's this month's stuff. 

I've been wanting to try some different kinds of nail foils for a while now so I ordered some along with the special glue. I also added some different glitters and nail art bits and bobs to this haul.

The S-he Stylezone selection of fall colors was very appealing, so I couldn't resist purchasing a few. 

S-he Stylezone 295, 296 and 323
Golden Rose came out with some new collections, including one of layering glitters called Carnival and the Rich Color collection, from which I've showed you two polishes this week. I finally got my hands on some of these and they are awesome. White glitter and yellow square glitter is all I'm gonna say for now.

Golden Rose Carnival 01 and 14, Golden Rose Rich Color 15, 45 and 34
That's it for this month. Frankly I'm pretty proud of myself. I hope you all have a wonderful November!


  1. Foarte frumos <3

  2. Superb modelul! Ador fluturii.

  3. Wow, arata superb manichiura! Imi place atat de mult combinatia de la baza incat o s-o incerc si eu cu siguranta, noroc ca am toate ojele folosite!

  4. This looks so pretty!

  5. a very pretty manicure...and the nail polish is to die for!

  6. Candace Miranda PrescottNovember 2, 2013 at 6:34 PM

    Wow Gorgeous!!

  7. That looks fabulous. Great work!!

  8. Marisa (Polish Obsession)November 3, 2013 at 1:37 AM

    Love the effect of the layering. So gorgeous!!!!

  9. Wow sunt foarte frumoase si imi place mult efctul pe care l-ai creat din ojele folosite :)

  10. Ma bucur mult ca-ti place si ca ai ojele! Sunt superbe toate, iar impreuna arata incredibil.

  11. Multumesc mult! Ma bucur ca-ti place!

  12. a 2 poza e senzationala :x

  13. Stephanie LovestruckLacquerDecember 9, 2013 at 5:45 AM

    wow gorgeous layering of polish! fantasy fire has been on my wishlist forever... i'm so jealous!!
