Sunday, October 6, 2013

OMG Nail Strips Review

Hello my lovelies and happy Sunday! Today I have a product for those of you who are not that good at nail art or don't have the patience or time to do an intricate design. I've been contacted by a company called OMG Nail Strips to review some of their products and I picked out 2 fun designs to test out. The ones I'm showing you today are the nail polish strips in Gold Stars*. 

OMG Nail Strips in "Gold Stars"

As you can see above, this deign has a dark blue base and is packed with larger and smaller stars. I personally love stars and I chose this design because it's pretty hard to recreate even if you are into stamping or freehand nail art. The stars are in 3 different colors (blue, gold and yellow), so it's hard to do this with stamping. They are also too small to be free handed unless you have great skill and patience. 

Each set comes with 14 strips, which means you have 7 different sizes to adjust to the size of your fingers. These are suitable for very long nails, but since mine are short and tiny I managed to use one strip for two nails. This way I can get two full manicures from a set. 

The 7 different widths of the strips are stated at the bottom in millimeters. The widest one was too wide for my thumb and the smallest one wider than my pinkie nail, so if you have wide nail beds these shouldn't be a problem. I personally had to adjust some of them because I have smaller nail beds. 

I have to admit that application took some time for me because of all the cutting and adjusting to my nails. They are however very easy to apply and once you have the right size for your nails it's easy to stick them on and level out any bubbles or creases. They are very flexible, they bend and even stretch, which is great because I have curved nails. You can see in the pictures that there isn't any creasing on my nails. 

The strips have instructions on the back but for me it was easier to follow the video tutorial from their website. It's just easier to see somebody do it. The video also shows how you have to bend the strips at the tip and file under your nail so that the tips look nice and there's no tearing. The instructions also tell you to use a top coat to protect the strips and so I did. I'm not sure if I properly wrapped the tips though because they started to show tip wear after about a day. I started noticing this after I showered and then they just started to get caught on stuff. So I only wore these for about 3 days, even though the packaging promises a 10 day wear. I still need to try the other design I received and I will try using more top coat on the tips to see if that helps with tip wear. 

You can get OMG Nail Strips from their website and you can use code TWENTY to get 20% off your order. Make sure you check all the designs they have because there are some fun ones in there! 

*Disclaimer: Product sent for review consideration. For more info see my official disclosure policy.

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