
Friday, October 11, 2013

p2 Sand Style Strict

Hello my lovelies! I have to apologize again for the lack of posts this week. I have no excuse except that life got in the way. On the bright side, I plan on posting every day of the weekend starting today. I have nail art planned for tomorrow, but today I have a very interesting polish to show you. You know I like textured polishes, especially ones with plenty of glitter in them, so this one had to be mine. 

p2 Sand Style Strict indoors, artificial light

At first, Strict seems like a light silver textured polish but it's so much more. There is a slight pink/purple tone to it, which totally makes it special. It actually sits between my lilac swatch sticks instead of the silver crowd. There are also bigger glitter pieces mixed in this so it definitely is very very sparkly. Believe it or not, I didn't quite like it on my nails at first, but once I got used to the bling I just fell in love with it. 

p2 Sand Style Strict indoors, artificial light
The application is very smooth, like with all p2 polishes. It's almost opaque in one coat but I did two for these swatches. I must say that this dries very gritty and takes a bit of getting used to. I didn't get to photograph it with top coat but I would imagine it needs at least two coats if not more. 

p2 Sand Style Strict indoors, artificial light
If you are a lover of textured polishes, this one is a must. p2 recently discontinued some of their Sand Style polishes, including my beloved Confidential, and came out with a few new fall shades. Strict is still available so if you have access to this brand you can still purchase it. You won't regret it, trust me! 


  1. wow, arata foarte bine! Intr-adevar pentru cine nu e pasionat de glitter si bling poate e cam strong, dar te obisnuiesti ;)

  2. superba nuantza <3

  3. Love, just a lot of love <3

  4. Stephanie LovestruckLacquerOctober 14, 2013 at 12:43 PM

    Very pretty! I love glitter texture polishes... I especially love that this one has some bigger pieces mixed in extra sparkle... too bad I've never heard of this brand/seen it anywhere... maybe I'll try searching online :(

  5. Asa este, dar culoarea e destul de neutra asa ca mai compenseaza. Oricum e superba in persoana!

  6. I know that you're a fan of these. I think you would love this one!

  7. Unfortunately it's only sold in Germany. I haven't found it anywhere online so I only get my p2 from my German friends or when I travel there. It's such a shame because they are great and very cheap. The Sand Style collection is so original. Not just textured polishes but so much more.
