
Saturday, October 19, 2013

TPA Group Challenge: Inspired by Cartoons

Hello my lovelies! I'm very excited for today's post because it has some really fun nails. For this week's TPA Group Challenge theme, we had to get inspired by cartoons. I decided to do some freehand nail art and chose a TV show that has made it to its 25th season this year. So I think no introduction is necessary. 

The Simpsons nails! Yes, this has been on my list for ages and it was the perfect time to finally create the nail art. I know that Simpsons nails have been done many times by many people, but it's still fun. They are not that hard to do either. You just need a little patience. 

As a base color I used Kiko 355 Canary Yellow, which is my favorite yellow because it has the best formula from all the ones I own. I freehanded the rest using some nail art brushes and acrylic paints. A great tip when using acrylics is to use a matte top coat over your base color before you start painting. The paint will adhere better this way and it will be a lot easier to make the colors opaque. It's the first time I've used this technique and it makes a world of difference!

I know that these nails aren't perfect, but I'm still pretty happy with the way they came out. My favorite fingers are the ones with Homer and Marge. My Lisa and Bart fingers need a little improvement, but all in all I love them. If you wanna see some more cartoon nail art drop by these blogs: 

Maria (Konad Addict) -

Have a great weekend! 


  1. foarte frumos design-ul... :)
    o manichiura superba!

  2. cat de haioase sunt unghiutele!!!! culoarea e un galben super <3

  3. OMG, sunt foarte reusite, imi plac mult de tot :)

  4. Ti-au iesit minunat!

  5. Ce tare ti-a iesit :)

  6. Multumesc! Da da, pacat ca galbenul cam pateaza chiar si cu baza. Ca altfel asta se aplica foarte bine.

  7. Multumesc mult! Ma bucur ca-ti plac!

  8. WOW, they look awesome!

  9. ce sweet:))
