Hello lovelies! It's the last day of November so today you get two posts. I posted my vintage nails this morning and now it's time for the November recap. I can't say that November has been a bad month but I'm happy it's over and December is here. It's my favorite month of the year because it starts with my birthday and then a bunch of holidays follow. I also have the whole month off so yay! Let's look at last month's favorites first.
Saturday, November 30, 2013
TPA Group Challenge: Vintage Nails
Hello my lovelies! Excited for the weekend? The weather is sunny over here so it's not too bad, even if it's pretty cold. We had the first snow yesterday but it was very little, which means it's gone now. It actually got me more into the Christmas spirit so now I can't wait to have a full white carpet at my feet. The TPA challenge is back today with another fun theme. Even if it's not really holiday related, I still had to participate because I love it. Here are my vintage nails!
Thursday, November 28, 2013
Getting Ready for Christmas: Not Yet, But Almost!
Hello lovelies! What a crazy week this has been! I've been running around town trying to get all sorts of paperwork done so I can go on holiday next week. I haven't had the time or energy to write any posts although I have tons of stuff to show you. Today I'm very happy to introduce you to a new challenge created by the lovely Elsa of Like a Candy Shop. It's called Getting Ready for Christmas and it has some really great themes. With this challenge I can officially say that the holiday manicure season has started. Here's the banner with the themes.
Monday, November 25, 2013
Monday Blues: Flormar BD04
Hello my lovelies! Monday again and on top of everything it's supposed to snow today. I'm so not ready for that! At least I have a beautiful blue polish to show you and take your Monday blues away. I was very excited when the Black Dot collection from Flormar came out because they reminded me of the Illamasqua Speckled polishes that are completely out of my price league. I waited patiently for these to show up at my local Flormar counter and then picked up the brighter blue one. The collection also has a lighter blue, a mint, a grey and a pink one. They all have the same type of black glitter, only the base color is different. The one I'm showing you today is BD04.
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Flormar BD04 indoors, artificial light |
Saturday, November 23, 2013
TPA Group Challenge: Cupcake Nails
Hello my lovelies! I hope you are all doing well! I'm not sure how I feel about the fact that it's supposed to start snowing here soon. On the one hand, I do like snow but on the other hand I still feel like I skipped summer, so I'm not feeling the winter holiday spirit at all. To cheer us up today I have some very colorful nails. I've skipped the TPA Challenge last week but I'm back this week with some cupcake nails. Feels like we're all about sweets here with lollipops first and now cupcakes. I wasn't very original for this one but here's what I came up with.
Friday, November 22, 2013
KBShimmer Oh Splat!
Hello my lovelies! I've been a bad blogger again and was too lazy to write posts for the past few days. But today I decided to show you one of the latest and most exciting additions to my nail polish collection. We all have indie brands that we love and would want to own every single polish from. For me that brand is KBShimmer and until recently I didn't own any. But thanks to the kindness of Fingers Polish Mania I was able to get my hands on a few, including my biggest lemming of all time. But that one is a subject for another post. The one I'm showing you today is probably the most famous polish KBShimmer makes.
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KBShimmer Oh Splat! indoors, artificial light |
Tuesday, November 19, 2013
Golden Rose Carnival 11
Hello my lovelies! It's finally time for me to show you an amazing glitter polish. These swatches were done a couple of weeks ago and I just haven't had the time to write a proper post. The Carnival collection from Golden Rose consists of 16 layering glitters that look amazing. I have a few that I purchased, but the one I'm showing you today was kindly sent to me by Golden Rose Romania. It was one of the shades that caught my attention because I haven't really seen anything like this before. I wasn't sure of how I should layer this to make it look good so I swatched it both over white and black. You can see for yourself which option you like better.
Ro: Buna! In sfarsit am reusit sa fac aceasta postare si sa va arat o minunata oja cu sclipici. Am facut pozele acestea in urma cu cateva saptamani dar n-am avut timp sa scriu postarea pana astazi. Colectia Carnival de la Golden Rose contine 16 nuante minunate de glitter, care se pot aplica peste o baza colorata. Detin cateva oje din aceasta colectie, iar cea pe care v-o arat azi mi-a fost trimisa prin amabilitatea celor de la Golden Rose Romania. Nuanta aceasta mi-a atras imediat atentia pentru ca nu am mai vazut un glitter asemanator. Am incercat oja atat peste alb cat si peste negru pentru a vedea cum arata mai bine. Puteti sa decideti chiar voi care varianta va place mai mult.
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Golden Rose Carnival 11 over black, indoors, artificial light |
Monday, November 18, 2013
Monday Blues: Revlon Surf
Hello my lovelies! I can't believe it's Monday again. It's been a busy week for me, hence the lack of posts in the last days. But I'm happy to be able to show you another beautiful blue today, one that is pretty special to me. This polish was a gift from a lovely lady I met via Instagram. She lives in my city and her name is Kinga (@kinganak on Instagram). I met her and Andrea (@funandi) a couple of weeks ago and it was a blast. Of course none of us showed up empty handed, so I got spoiled with beautiful gifts. Kinga knows I'm obsessed with blue so she made sure to include a few blue polishes for me. Long story short, Revlon Surf is one of them. Thank you, Kinga!
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Revlon Surf indoors, artificial light |
Thursday, November 14, 2013
Purple with a Purpose
Hello my lovelies! I hope your week is going great so far. I'm rather busy and don't have a lot of time or patience to write posts, but I managed to do these nails that serve two important purposes. First off, Golden Rose Romania is running a nail art contest on their Facebook page and I couldn't miss it. Secondly, November is Pancreatic Cancer Awareness Month, a cause very dear to me, so I had to do at least one purple manicure to support the cause.
Monday, November 11, 2013
Monday Blues: Golden Rose Rich Color 42
Hello my lovelies! I'm very proud of myself because I'm actually writing this post in advance instead of doing it last minute. The blue I'm showing you today is a true beauty. Two weeks ago I showed you some polishes from the Golden Rose Rich Color line and told you how much I loved them. Well naturally I had to get my hands on a few more of these polishes, number 42 being first on the list.
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Golden Rose Rich Color 42 indoors, artificial light |
Saturday, November 9, 2013
TPA Group Challenge: Lollipop Nails
Hello my lovelies! It has been a busy week for me and I didn't get to post as much as I wanted. I have a lot of polishes to show you and no time to write the posts. I couldn't miss the TPA group challenge though, so I'm showing you a simple manicure that I hope you'll enjoy. The theme was lollipop nails, which naturally requested for some fun colors. Here's what I came up with.
Wednesday, November 6, 2013
Golden Rose Holiday 73
Hello my lovelies! In today's post I'm gonna try something for the first time: I'm gonna do a bilingual post. I decided to occasionally translate some of my posts in Romanian, but I'm not going to do it for all the posts, just ones that I think would interest my Romanian readers. It's the first time I write in my language and I'm really nervous, but I hope I will be up to the task. The polish I want to show you today is my very first textured polish from Golden Rose. They have a whole line called Holiday, with 31 lovely textured shades. You know how much I love this type of polishes, so I was excited to try the Golden Rose ones.
Ro: Buna tuturor! Postarea de astazi va fi ceva mai speciala pentru ca va fi si in romaneste. Am decis ca din cand in cand voi scrie in ambele limbi, dar n-o voi face tot timpul, ci doar pentru acele postari care ar interesa in mod deosebit cititoarele din Romania. Este prima data cand scriu in romana pe blog si am mari emotii, dar sper sa iasa bine. Oja despre care voi vorbi azi este prima texturata de la Golden Rose pe care o incerc. Golden Rose are o intreaga colectie de texturate, numita Holiday, cuprinzand 31 de nuante. Mie ojele texturate imi plac la nebunie si de aceea abia asteptam sa le incerc si pe cele de la Golden Rose.
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Golden Rose Holiday 73 indoors, artificial light |
Monday, November 4, 2013
Monday Blues: Essie Avenue Maintain
Hello my lovelies! It's Monday, it's November, it's foggy, and I don't like any of those things. So how about a spring blue? I finally got around to owning and swatching this beautiful blue from Essie's spring collection. Better late then never, right?
Essie Avenue Maintain indoors, artificial light |
Sunday, November 3, 2013
Where In The World Challenge: Brazil
Hello lovelies and happy Sunday! I have finally managed to get to the second-to-last country of the Where In The World Challenge. That means I only have one country to go, namely my country, Romania. I really hope I come up with something good for that one. But until then, today we're talking about Brazil. When you think of Brazil, there are a few things that always come to mind, like football, the carnival or the beach. I decided to dig a little deeper and found out that Brazil is one of the world's largest jewelry manufacturers and they use gemstones that are mined locally. I chose to do an emerald inspired look for this post.
Saturday, November 2, 2013
TPA Group Challenge: Inspired by an Animal
Hello my lovelies! The theme for today's TPA group challenge manicure was finally an easy one. What usually happens with easy themes is that you have so many choices that you really don't know what to choose. You want something original, that hasn't been done before. I wasn't that creative this time, but decided to go for the sparkly effect. So I did another butterfly manicure with a very special base.
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