
Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Golden Rose Holiday 73

Hello my lovelies! In today's post I'm gonna try something for the first time: I'm gonna do a bilingual post. I decided to occasionally translate some of my posts in Romanian, but I'm not going to do it for all the posts, just ones that I think would interest my Romanian readers. It's the first time I write in my language and I'm really nervous, but I hope I will be up to the task. The polish I want to show you today is my very first textured polish from Golden Rose. They have a whole line called Holiday, with 31 lovely textured shades. You know how much I love this type of polishes, so I was excited to try the Golden Rose ones. 

Ro: Buna tuturor! Postarea de astazi va fi ceva mai speciala pentru ca va fi si in romaneste. Am decis ca din cand in cand voi scrie in ambele limbi, dar n-o voi face tot timpul, ci doar pentru acele postari care ar interesa in mod deosebit cititoarele din Romania. Este prima data cand scriu in romana pe blog si am mari emotii, dar sper sa iasa bine. Oja despre care voi vorbi azi este prima texturata de la Golden Rose pe care o incerc. Golden Rose are o intreaga colectie de texturate, numita Holiday, cuprinzand 31 de nuante. Mie ojele texturate imi plac la nebunie si de aceea abia asteptam sa le incerc si pe cele de la Golden Rose. 

Golden Rose Holiday 73 indoors, artificial light

Shade 73* (no name here, sorry) is a lovely light green textured polish. It's quite original because instead of being a minty green, it's more of a pistachio green shade. I haven't seen a similar color in a textured polish by any brand. It's also packed with very tiny holographic glitters that make it extra special. They didn't show up that well in my pictures but they are quite beautiful in real life. The polish comes in a square bottle and I was happy to see that the cap comes off, revealing a smaller round cap with ridges that is much easier to hold. 

Ro: Nuanta 73* este o oja texturata de culoare verde deschis. E o nuanta destul de originala pentru ca in loc sa fie clasicul verde menta, este mai degraba un verde fistic. N-am mai vazut o nuanta asemanatoare de oja texturata la nici o alta marca. Un alt lucru care o face speciala sunt micile particule holografice care au fost destul de greu de surprins in poze, dar arata superb in realitate. Capacul argintiu se poate scoate, iar in locul sau ramane unul rotund, mult mai usor de manevrat.

The brush in the bottle is quite nice and makes for an easy application. The polish is on the thicker side, which is typical for textured polishes. However, given the light color, you will need 3 coats to make it perfectly opaque. You could maybe get away with 2 if you have very short nails. I was very pleased that despite the many coats it dried quickly. 

Ro: Pensula este usor de folosit si ajuta la o aplicare fara probleme a ojei. Consistenta ojei este ceva mai groasa, ceea ce este obisnuit pentru ojele texturate. Avand in vedere ca are o culoare destul de deschisa, va fi nevoie de 3 straturi pentru a o face opaca. 2 straturi ar putea fi destule pentru unghiile foarte scurte. In ciuda faptului ca am aplicat mai multe straturi oja s-a uscat foarte repede. 

Golden Rose Holiday 73 indoors, artificial light
I only wore this for about 2 days, but it looked perfect the whole time. No tip wear or anything. I found it quite hard to remove compared to other textured polishes, so you might want to use the foil method for this one. I couldn't resist and added some top coat before I took it off to see how it looks. The top coat definitely brings out the little holo glitters and makes the polish look a bit darker.

Ro: Am purtat aceasta manichiura in jur de doua zile si pot spune ca in acest timp a rezistat impecabil, fara sa se roada la varfuri. A fost destul de greu de dat jos, asa ca data viitoare voi folosi metoda foliei de staniol. N-am putut rezista sa nu vad cum arata si cu top coat aplicat peste. In acest fel se vad mai bine particulele holografice si oja este o idee mai inchisa. 

Golden Rose Holiday 73 with top coat, indoors, artificial light
If you are from Romania, you can get this beauty from the Golden Rose Romania website. Golden Rose polishes are usually distributed in Eastern Europe, so I'm not sure where else you can get them. I hope you've enjoyed this post and stay tuned because there are many Golden Rose posts coming your way! 

Ro: Daca va aflati in Romania puteti comanda ojele Golden Rose de pe site-ul Golden Rose Romania. Dupa inregistrare veti primi o reducere de 10% la preturile de pe site. Sper ca v-a placut aceasta postare! Mai am multe frumuseti de la Golden Rose sa va arat in postarile urmatoare.

*Disclaimer: Product sent for review consideration. For more info see my official disclosure policy.


  1. Kelsey @ Polished PrescriptionNovember 6, 2013 at 6:08 PM

    This is so pretty! Pistachio is the perfect way to describe it. I like how unique it is

  2. I haven't noticed this shade in the Holiday Collection. It looks really good on your hand. I especially like it with top coat.

  3. E superba!!! Nu stiu cat de bine o sa-mi stea cu nuanta asta de verde dar e cert ca o vreau :)) Particulele alea o fac si mai deosebita! Oare cum de n-am observat pana acum ca se scoate capacul ala? parca imi place mai mult asa :)))

  4. Foarte frumoasa oja. Se vede minunat in poze. O am si eu si am purtat-o o singura data.

    PS: In poza fara capacul argintiu, la prima vedere am crezut ca este alta oja :D

  5. Superba nuanta de verde.Kisses:*
    I followed you.Good luck

  6. nuanta este superba ♥ multe oje din colectia aceasta au particule holo
    Chiar imi place nuanta :-)

  7. Superb modelul stampilat. Imi place cum se vede oja holo. Nu stiam ca merg folosite la placute.

  8. ce frumos! <3

  9. etse superba :* In poza de pe fb cu fetele oja de baza parea mai "verzuie" sau avea poza efect?

  10. Marisa (Polish Obsession)November 9, 2013 at 6:44 PM

    This is so cute!! Love the sparkle from the holo.

  11. Imi place mult rezultatul final, iar combinatia de culori facuta ma duce cu gandul la bomboanele de craciun :D

  12. Ce frumoase sunt! Imi place combinatia de culori!

  13. I love the pink holo! Such a nice stamping colour. I'm going to have to look out for that next time I'm in Westfields!

  14. Multumesc mult! Depinde cat sunt de opace si cat e de fin pigmentul holografic. Daca e prea gros nu merge pentru stampilat. Cele de la Kiko sunt celebre pentru faptul ca merg asa bine.

  15. Multumesc! Probabil era de la lumina din mall. E un albastru deschis ca cerul.

  16. Multumesc, ma bucur ca-ti place! Cam pe efectul ala de bomboane am mers si eu cand am ales culorile :)

  17. Multumesc! M-am bazat pe faptul ca desi nu-s greu de facut, culorile fac tot efectul :)

  18. Unfortunately the holo collection was a limited edition one. But I think you can still find the Mirror collection from them. They are amazing for stamping too!

  19. Thank you! Yeah, I really haven't seen a textured shade like this.

  20. It's understandable because they have so many shades in the collection. I love it both with and without top coat!

  21. Haha, eu intotdeauna investighez chestiile astea la oje. In special cand e un capac mai patrat si greu de tinut in mana. Nici mie nu-mi sta grozav cu nuanta asta pentru ca bate spre galben un pic dar nu-mi pasa. Imi place mult ca e unica.

  22. Multumesc! Ma bucur ca-ti plac pozele din moment ce o ai si stii cum arata in realitate. M-am chinuit mult sa o redau cat de cat la adevarata ei frumusete. Nu cred ca multa lume stie ca se poate scoate capacul. Eu mereu incerc sa-l scot atunci cand e un capac mai patrat si greu de tinut in mana.

  23. Asa este! Nu prea imi plac texturatele fara sclipici, dar pe cele cu sclipici le iubesc!

  24. I just remember that I have not used my Konads in ages :)) I used to love and enjoy using it..

  25. Multumesc mult si pentru follow! :-*
