
Monday, November 25, 2013

Monday Blues: Flormar BD04

Hello my lovelies! Monday again and on top of everything it's supposed to snow today. I'm so not ready for that! At least I have a beautiful blue polish to show you and take your Monday blues away. I was very excited when the Black Dot collection from Flormar came out because they reminded me of the Illamasqua Speckled polishes that are completely out of my price league. I waited patiently for these to show up at my local Flormar counter and then picked up the brighter blue one. The collection also has a lighter blue, a mint, a grey and a pink one. They all have the same type of black glitter, only the base color is different. The one I'm showing you today is BD04. 

Flormar BD04 indoors, artificial light

BD04 is a sky blue jelly base that is full of two different sizes of black glitter. I think that compared to the Illamasqua Speckled polishes, both sizes of glitter are larger. The large hex glitters seem larger than the Illamasqua ones, but I can't be totally sure about that. The small ones are clearly larger because the Illamasqua ones look tiny compared to these ones. I still think the resemblance is pretty good and you can get your lemming satisfied with just a fraction of the price. 

Flormar BD04 indoors, artificial light
I think this second picture shows the color a bit more accurately. My camera has the tendency to show colors brighter than they really are. In terms of application, it's a little harder to get the larger glitters out of the bottle but I would say it's still ok. 3 coats is what I used to achieve this look because there were still some bald spots after two. I would say that top coat is a must if you want the polish to look nice and shiny. I would also recomment a peel-off base coat because I've heard horror stories about the removal of this polish. If you don't own such a base coat, do yourself a favor and use the foil method with some powerful remover (acetone is best).

Flormar BD04 indoors, artificial light
I'm very happy to have this in my collection. I wouldn't spend £14.50 for an Illamasqua Speckled polish but I gladly spent £2.50 for this one. Don't forget that you can check out some more Monday Blues from November below! 

Have a great week! 


  1. este foarte haioasa oja, am zarit-o, dar inca nu a ajuns in coelctia sunt inca convinsa ca am nevoie de ea :-D

  2. foarte frumoasa oja, trebuie neaparat sa dau o fuga pana la standul Flormar :D

  3. Marisa (Polish Obsession)November 25, 2013 at 12:45 PM

    Yayyy!! We both have glitter today! I really like this on you. It's pretty!

  4. Este foarte frmoasa! Mult mai frumoasa decat se vede in sticluta :-)

  5. Si eu zic ca ai nevoie de ea. Parerea mea e ca o oja din colectia asta ajunge, iar asta e cea mai frumoasa.

  6. Asa este! Sunt multe minunatii noi pe acolo :)

  7. Thank you, Marisa! Glitter is always the best choice for everything!
