
Monday, December 2, 2013

Monday Blues: KBShimmer I Got A Crush On Blue

Hello my lovelies! I've got a very special polish to show you today so let's just cut to the chase. We polish lovers all have our lemmings and our wishlists. And usually at the top of that wishlist there's that one polish we always think about and hope we will get someday. The polish I'm showing you today was my number one lemming for many months. And through the kindness of Fingers Polish Mania I finally managed to get my hands on it. Naturally, I had to use it for my birthday mani yesterday. 

KBShimmer I Got A Crush On Blue indoors, artificial light
I Got A Crush On Blue (perfect name, right?) is a blue jelly that is filled with different sizes of silver holographic glitter. I think that the variation in size of the glitter and the holo effect make this polish really special. I tried to recreate this with jelly sandwiches several times but it was impossible. Now that I have the polish I can totally see why.

KBShimmer I Got A Crush On Blue indoors, artificial light
It's really hard to photograph this polish because the full effect doesn't translate in pictures. It's so much better in reality because of the many holographic sparkles. You can catch a glimpse of that in this sun picture. 

KBShimmer I Got A Crush On Blue in the sun
 Given that this is a jelly, you will need 3 coats to make it opaque. It's pretty easy to apply and there's not a lot of fishing required to get the larger glitters out. A couple of coats of top coat are necessary to make it completely smooth. 

KBShimmer I Got A Crush On Blue indoors, artificial light
This polish is totally what I expected it to be and more! I'm so happy that I was able to get my hands on it! Don't forget that there are more Monday Blues waiting for you so check out the links below. 

Have a great week! 


  1. wow e superba ♥ Foarte potrivita pentru ziua ta :* La multi ani, sper ca ai avut o zi frumoasa alaturi de cei dragi :-)

  2. Marisa (Polish Obsession)December 2, 2013 at 12:17 PM

    This is so gorgeous!!! Happy belated birthday!

  3. It's beautiful indeed! I have it also, maybe I should wear it too :-)

  4. I love this polish! I also own a bottle of ...crush on blue, I just don't wear it often. Be dure to use a base coat cause it can stain.

  5. Gorgeous swatch! This polish is so pretty.

  6. Wow! Gorgeous isn't enough to describe this beauty!

  7. i love cupcakes manicure, it's so sweet (:

  8. I THOUGHT THIS ONE IS IT when you've talked a bit about your biggest ex-lemming from KBShimmer in previous post! It really looks great on you <333

  9. Stephanie LovestruckLacquerDecember 9, 2013 at 6:46 AM

    beautiful!!! this has been on my wishlist for a looong time too! hopefully one day i'll get my hands on it!

  10. You haven't worn it yet?? You need to! Now!

  11. I can see myself wearing it quite often because it's amazing. I always use a peel-off base coat under glitters so I didn't have issues with staining.

  12. Thank you so much! Yeah, it was quite obvious for the people who know me. Essence Blue Addicted was high on that list too so I have to thank you again for sending it to me!

  13. I'm crossing my fingers for you! Everybody deserves a bottle of this beauty and it's a must have for blue lovers.

  14. Marisa (Polish Obsession)December 11, 2013 at 12:40 PM

    What awesome hauls!!! I really want to try Golden Rose. Maybe one day!
