
Monday, December 30, 2013

Monday Blues: p2 Crazy Beauty and Born Pretty Store Studs

Hello my lovelies! Today's Monday Blues posts comes a little bit later than usual because I'm still facing my post holiday laziness. I have a few things to tell you first. This is probably going to be my last post for this year (and the last Monday Blues of 2013 for sure) so I want to wish you all a very happy and amazing new year. 2013 was not a good year for me and I'm happy that it's over and I get a brand new start. Secondly, for those of you that want to take part in the Monday Blues of 2014, Ariel over at Lacquer: the best medicine has created inlinkz codes for every month of the year. Click here to see the document with all the links. I will also have it linked to the banner in my sidebar for easy access. Hope many of you will join in 2014! Now that we have that out of our way, let's take a look at today's nails. 

The idea behind these was a very bold one and it came out a bit as a fail because of the ring finger. I recently got 3 more shades from the Volume Gloss collection from p2. I love the formula of these polishes and they are also very affordable, so I decided to see how they work for water marbling. The result was great: these spread like a dream in the water. I now have 6 colors and I played with different combinations and created a bunch of rings. I then decided to do an accent nail with the same combination as one of the rings I made. 

I started with polishing all my nails with Crazy Beauty, a vibrant periwinkle creme. On the ring finger I attempted a water marble using Crazy Beauty, Midnight Vamp and Ocean Lady. I don't know what happened because you can see that there's only one stripe of Crazy Beauty on the nail and it's exactly on the tip, which makes it look like a french manicure. I was very frustrated by this result and didn't have the patience to redo it so I left it like that. On the other nails I applied some cool textured studs* from the Born Pretty Store

They come in a round box like this, which contains round and square studs in both silver and gold. The cool thing about these is that instead of being plain and shiny they have a pattern on top, which makes them extra edgy. I love these and can't wait to create more awesome nail art with them. 

If you like these and are interested in them you can find them here. Don't forget to use code MFL91 at checkout to get an extra 10% off your entire purchase. Shipping is free! 

I hope you liked these nails, even though the water marble accent didn't come out that great. I guess I just have to get used to the fact that water marbling is not for me. Of course that practice makes perfect but frankly I don't enjoy it enough to keep trying. If you want to see more lovely blues check out the links below!  

Have a great 2014! 

*Disclaimer: Product sent for review consideration. For more info see my official disclosure policy.


  1. What a beautiful shade. Your ring is just perfect!

  2. Marisa (Polish Obsession)December 30, 2013 at 3:38 PM

    This looks really awesome!!! I especially love the pic with the ring! Happy New Year!!!

  3. ah...ce nuanta superba e oja p2. Acum ma enervez pe mine ca nu mi-am comandat si eu ateva din aceasta gama. Tinteles unt haioase, insa cred ca eu le refer pe cele clasice :-)
    Sper ca 2014 sa-ti aduca numai lucruri bune si frumoase!

  4. I love this manicure! Its so good ;)

  5. Thank you so much! I was so lucky that the ring came out that good. I suck at water marbling.

  6. Multumesc la fel, Aby! Si eu le prefer pe cele clasice dar cateodata mai variez. Ojele p2 chiar merita. Poate se mai face comanda si poti sa-ti iei si tu cateva.

  7. Thank you! I'm glad you like it!
