
Sunday, December 1, 2013

Where In The World Challenge: Romania

Hello lovelies and happy Sunday! Today is finally the day when I finish the Where In The World challenge. I'm not proud of myself because it took way more than I wanted it to take but I blame the lack of rules. I guess I just need a bit of a time guide if I wanna make a challenge work. Anyway, the last country of this challenge is my own, so I thought I would do a little special post today. The first of December is my country's national holiday and it also happens to be my birthday. I've always enjoyed having the day off for my birthday and people always joke that the fireworks are in fact for me. I decided to do a manicure with something that represents my country for me and I want to show you that Romania is so much more than vampires and Dracula. We have mountains, rivers and the sea. Beautiful landscapes that deserve to be seen and admired! I tried my best to depict that on my nails. 

I'm not that great at depicting landscapes or any kind of detailed things on my nails, so this is more of a simple representation of what I actually wanted to show you. It does however represent the image I have in my head when I think of my country. 

As a base for this manicure, I used Flormar 423, my go-to sky blue. Everything else is painted with acrylic paints and some nail art brushes. As simple as this may seem, it still took me about an hour to paint. I loved the result though so it was totally worth it! 

I hope you've enjoyed this post! I will show you my birthday manicure in tomorrow's Monday Blues post. If you want to see more Romanian scenery, you can check out this gallery or this website. You can also find other Romanian manicures in the links below! 


  1. eu zic ca te pricepi sa pictezi peisaje, a iesit chiar foarte bine imi place la nebunie modelul, cred ca ti-a luat ceva timp pana ca ai realizat capodobera :D

  2. E foarte frumos modelul si imi place ca te-ai gandit la ceva diferit fata de clasicele culori ale drapelului nostru. La multi ani x 2 :D Pupici!

  3. La multi ani in primul rand si felicitari pentru minunata idee, de a incerca altceva. Sper sa vad mai des, manichiuri cu vopsele acrilice, pe blog-ul tau.

  4. This challenge seems to be so difficult to follow! This design is amazing and I love it! can't wait for your other nailaert works :)

  5. ow! e superba manichiura si chiar surpride fruusetea tarii :)

  6. La multi ani :* imi place manichiura :)

  7. Este foarte frumoasa!

  8. La Mulți Ani, Mihaela ! Felicitări pentru modul în care ai ales să descrii România ! Ți-a ieșit foarte frumos, arată ca și cum ai fi ales un tablou și l-ai micșorat în așa fel încât să se potrivescă dimensiunilor unghiilor tale. Să mai faci, că te pricepi, mai bine decât crezi !! :D

  9. Sunt superbe si reprezinta perfect Romania, imi place mult si cum ai desenat si La multi ani cu intarziere :*

  10. Mi-a luat cam o ora. Sunt multumita de cum a iesit, doar ca e destul de simplu. Multumesc mult!

  11. Multumesc mult! Da, am vrut sa fac manichiuri mai originale pentru toata provocarea si nu puteam sa ma las mai prejos cand era vorba de tara mea.

  12. Multumesc mult! Incet incet incep sa prind gust de pictura cu acrilice. Numai timp si inspiratie sa fie!

  13. Luckily I finished the challenge with this design. It wasn't hard, there are actually no rules about posting so I kept procrastinating for every theme. Thank you! I'm glad you like it!

  14. Multumesc mult, Oana, pentru mesajul frumos! Cam asta incercam sa fac, un fel de tablou. Altfel modelul e destul de simplu. Pe vremuri faceam mai mult freehand numai ca mi-am iesit din mana cu lipsa timpului. Sper sa pot recupera!

  15. Multumesc mult! Ma bucur ca iti plac!
