
Thursday, January 2, 2014

December favorites and haul

Hello my lovelies! Happy new year! It's been a lazy couple of days for me again and I finally decided to work on a post again. A lot of people have done 2013 favorites in the last days, but I decided not to do them this year because it's really hard to select favorite manicures or polishes from over 200 posts. Instead I decided to treat December like any other month and do my roundup as usual. First up, it's favorite manicures. This month has been pretty awesome in terms of nail art because of the Christmas manicures. I managed to select just a few favorites although it was very hard. 

December favorites
On the top row  I have my blue and silver holiday manicure and the Romania inspired manicure I did at the beginning of the month. On the left we have a recreation of a Christmas manicure from two years ago that I really loved. On the right there's my navy texture mix and my Love Actually inspired nails

My purchases this month haven't been that many. The month started with a trip where I bought a lot of polish, but then I was good the rest of the month and only got stuff as gifts. My biggest purchase on the trip was the Kiko Sugar Mat Nail Lacquer Set. Swatches here and here

Kiko Sugar Mat Nail Lacquer Set
I also got a few other polishes from Kiko. They were on sale after all. 

Kiko 839 Teal Blue, 347 Dark Green and 294 Indigo
Surprisingly, I didn't make a lot of drugstore purchases this time. I couldn't resist the beauty of the Maybelline Brocades though. 

Maybelline Brocades Rosy Rosettes and Beaming Blue, p2 Sand Style Opulent
The lovely people at Farmec sent some stuff my way. A couple of polishes that I need to swatch soon and some lovely things, including a perfume. Thank you, Farmec!

Farmec 29 and 364

I also got a review package with amazing Trind nail care stuff from Rouge Boutique. I'm testing them out and will post some reviews this month. 

I then got some supplies to make more nail polish jewelry. Please let me know if you want to see a post about this type of stuff. 

Finally, my sister got me this polish for Christmas. I love it!

Rimmel Space Dust Moon Walking
That's it for this month. I'm really glad 2013 is over and I get to have a new start. I wish you all the best for 2014 and I hope you will stop by my little blog this year too!


  1. I really love the very first manicure, that was just stunning <3 The blue Maybelline polish looks so beautiful, such a pity we don't have this shade here =/ And I'd love to see a post about nail polish jewellry, that sounds soo interesting! :))

  2. Great faves and haul for the month!

  3. foarte frumoase preferatele lunii, cat depsre accesoriile cu cabochon trebuie si eu sa mesteresc macar unul :)

  4. I haven't tried the blue one yet but I really need to. Thanks for the feedback! I'm gonna try to work on a tutorial.

  5. Pai ce astepti? Avem magazin in Cluj. Sunt foarte usor de facut.
