
Sunday, January 5, 2014

KBShimmer Iris My Case

Hello my lovelies and happy Sunday! I don't know about you but today is a bittersweet day for me because it's my last day of vacation. I'm gonna try not to think about it and focus on some blogging tasks instead. On Sundays we have to look at fun stuff, like bright colors and glitter. That's why I decided to post this particular polish today. 

KBShimmer Iris My Case indoors, artificial light

This is the last polish of my KBShimmer haul that I wore one month ago but didn't have time to post about. The rest of the polishes I got were all long time lemmings, so I had to get them no questions asked. This one was an impulse addition to my cart because I fell in love with the cheerful color and the lovely mix of glitter. I didn't regret it one bit. 

KBShimmer Iris My Case indoors, artificial light
Iris My Case is a lovely lilac jelly with different sizes of purple, pink, blue and white glitter. None of the glitters are very large, which makes it less of a glitter bomb and more of a subtle polish (for a glitter wearer at least). Compared to my other KBShimmer shades, the base of this is more opaque, but I still needed 3 coats to make it look even and perfect. It's really easy to apply though, no fishing required, so the 3 coats go on very easily. 

KBShimmer Iris My Case indoors, artificial light
I frankly wasn't very happy with these pictures. They were shot in a hurry and a lot of them came out blurry and just not pretty. I decided to post them anyway, even though I'm not very proud of them. I hope that you at least got an idea of the beauty of this polish. See you tomorrow for Monday Blues! 


  1. This one is going straight to my wishlist. Beautiful shade! <3

  2. oh...e asa de superba ♥
    si pentru mine e ultima zi de vacanta, gata , ne intoarcem la viata reala :-)

  3. Foarte frumoasa, cred ca e nuanta mea preferata!

  4. Marisa (Polish Obsession)January 5, 2014 at 3:36 PM

    I think it looks great on you Mihaela!! I recently got this one also and I'm looking forward to wearing it.

  5. foarte frumoasa :)

  6. This nail polish looks so nice! The purple works so well with the other glitters inside! I think I might have to buy this! :)

  7. Candace Miranda PrescottJanuary 8, 2014 at 7:58 AM


  8. Multumesc! Da, din pacate asa e.

  9. Thank you so much! Can't wait to see it on you!

  10. You are right! They look so good together. You need this!

  11. Stephanie LovestruckLacquerJanuary 12, 2014 at 7:10 AM

    I've wanted KB Shimmer for so long but when I checked they don't ship to Canada :( and the sites that carried them that do ship here were out... they sell out pretty fast. This one is really gorgeous... I'll definitely order it if i find somewhere to get KB Shimmer

  12. I had the same issue. A friend from the US offered to let me ship them to her house and then she shipped them to me. Your other option would be to follow the Harlow&Co Facebook page and see when they have restocks. You can get them if you order just after they restock.
