
Monday, February 24, 2014

Monday Blues: a-england Dancing with Nureyev

Hello my lovelies! It's Monday and it rained the whole weekend, which doesn't put me in a great mood at all. In the hope of cheering myself and all of you up, I will talk about one of the most beautiful polishes I've swatched in my life. I know I say that a lot but seriously, this one easily makes it into my top 10. I haven't bought an a-england polish in a while because of the whole Royal Mail debacle. I had to get my hands on this one though because it's totally unique. It comes from the Ballerina collection and looks like this.

a-england Dancing with Nureyev indoors, artificial direct light

Unfortunately I had no sun back when I wore this so all pictures are in artificial light. Dancing with Nureyev consists of a purple leaning blue base with gorgeous linear holographic effect. The holo is not that strong, which brings out the blue color and makes the polish look very elegant. Here's how it looks in the light box.

a-england Dancing with Nureyev indoors, artificial light
Application was perfect as it usually happens with a-england polishes. The polish is very opaque and you could probably use just one coat if you are careful but I did two. It also dries very fast. I added some top coat to make it shinier and long lasting. When I removed it, 3 days later, it looked just as perfect: no chips or tip wear whatsoever.

a-england Dancing with Nureyev indoors, artificial direct light
Dancing with Nureyev is a jewel. It's gorgeous and always looks different on your nails depending on how light hits it. I couldn't be happier with my pick from the Ballerina collection. Don't forget that you can see more beautiful blues by clicking the links below!

Have a great week!


  1. Such a pretty holo! I love any holo color too, lol.

  2. Arata de vis aceasta oja! Am ochit si eu din colectia Ballerina cateva oje si acesta era printre ele, este o culoare foarte versatila, imi place foarte mult!

  3. It's perfect! Looks gorgeous on your nails!

  4. E minunata! Imi place mult cum se vede in prima poza.

  5. Daca iti iei una singura pe asta s-o iei. Nu se compara cu nimic din ce am in colectie. Si live e mult mai interesanta.

  6. Multumesc! Acolo a iesit cel mai bine si cel mai asemanator cu realitatea.

  7. Stephanie LovestruckLacquerMarch 3, 2014 at 5:21 AM

    Gorgeous polish! I like that the holo is more subtle :)
