
Thursday, February 6, 2014

My First Stamping Decal

Hello my lovelies! In today's post I'm gonna tell you about a new technique and a great polish. How many of you have heard about the stamping decal technique? Basically it's an advanced stamping technique that can help you create multicolored decals. I've tried this several times before and failed miserably, but I got inspired to try it again by two lovely ladies who recently filmed tutorials for this technique. By watching their videos I managed to correct some of the issues I was having and made my first successful stamping decal. To check out the tutorials click on these links: heart Nat and Lucy's Stash. Here's my final manicure.

I only made one stamping decal and used it as an accent nail, just because this technique is quite time consuming. These have to be painted carefully by hand. One day I hope to have enough patience to do whole nail decals for each nail like Lucy did. I used her first method and created the decal on a plastic bag, then I cleaned up around the nail before applying top coat like Nat did in her tutorial. By combining these two methods I managed to get a smooth finish after applying it. The plate I used to create this decal is NC06 and the colors I used to fill in the rose are Rimmel Stand to Attention and OPI Don't Mess with OPI. It was actually inspired by a pendant that I made for my sister for Christmas. I used acrylic paints for the pendant so that's why the red looks more orange in pictures.

On the rest of my nails I used a polish prom the p2 Volume Gloss collection called Midnight Vamp. The color is nothing special, it's just a purple creme, but the formula is amazing. What you see in the pictures is one coat because that's how opaque this polish is. It also dries to a very shiny finish and is very affordable. Too bad p2 polishes are so hard to find if you don't live in Germany.

I am very happy with both this polish and my first ever successful decal. I can't wait to use this technique again. I have so many ideas! If any of you have tried it, I would love to read your opinions in the comment section. And if not, would you try it?


  1. Super pretty! The polish you chose to go with it is perfect!

  2. Stephanie LovestruckLacquerFebruary 6, 2014 at 6:50 PM

    Pretty! I tried this once but it definitely wasn't as neat! It was leopard print though (colored in the spots) so it didn't really matter that it was a bit messy. I like the technique but it's just really time consuming or I would've done it again. Maybe if I had multiple stampers.... that's an idea :)

  3. I love these!! Doing a decal with that image is the only way I could fit it on my nubs. Very pretty!

  4. What a beautiful manicure. I watched the tutorials and this method really is time consuming :(

  5. superbe,vreau demult sa incerc tehnica asta ,dar nu m-am incumetat inca <3

  6. Arata foarte bine, am vazut metoda pana acuma si rezultatul e frumos, insa dureaza.

  7. Cat de fain ti-a iesit, e superb rau trandafirasul , m-ai facut curioasa sa incerc si eu aceasta tehnica ;)

  8. intr-adevar o nuanta de albastru aproape perfecta si eu ador aceasta oja pretioasa, foarte dragut medalionul :)

  9. Ma uitam si ma minunam pe Facebook la aceasta manichiura, arata impecabil, cred ca ti-a luat o gramada de timp pana ai finalizat-o, dar a meritat ca arata bestial :))
    Eu nu cred ca voi avea vreodata rabdarea necesara sa creez astfel de stamping decal-uri.

  10. arata superb, ca toate manichiurile tale ,
    cand o sa am timp poate incerc si eu aceasta metoda :-)

  11. I can't believe you don't have this yet. You need to get it now! Run!

  12. Multumesc! Eu zic ca e chiar perfecta!

  13. Thank you so much! I did try it a few times before succeeding. There were a few flaws in my technique but I think now I finally have everything fixed.

  14. Thank you! And I agree about the polish!

  15. Thank you! I agree that it's time consuming but I would only do it for an accent nail. Don't have the time and patience to do a decal on each nail. You don't need multiple stampers if you do the decal on a plastic bag like I did. I did a coat of top coat, waited for it to dry and then stamped on top. After coloring and letting everything dry, I just peeled it from the plastic bag and that's it. You can do multiple ones this way.

  16. Thank you! Yes, I agree. It's way too big for my nails too.

  17. Thank you! It is but it's worth it. Especially as an accent nail.

  18. Multumesc! Pai eu zic sa te apuci chiar daca primele dati poate nu-ti va iesi dar prin exercitiu se invata.

  19. Multumesc mult! E nevoie de un pic de rabdare. De-aia fac doar accent nail.

  20. Multumesc mult! Eu zic sa incerci pentru ca in final nu vei regreta. Succes!

  21. Multumesc mult! Ia ceva timp si de-aia am facut doar accent nail. Dar eu zic ca merita. E deosebit efectul!

  22. Multumesc mult, Aby! Sper sa incerci si tu pentru ca rezultatul ofera mare satisfactie. Succes!
