
Sunday, February 23, 2014

The Last Snow

Hello my lovelies and happy Sunday! There hasn't been a lot of snow this year where I live (although I know some of you have gotten plenty) and it seems that spring is almost here, but I personally love snow on my nails. Snowflakes to be precise. So last week I couldn't help doing some snowflake stamping to celebrate the end of winter. I hope you won't mind!

I started with a base of OPI I Have a Herring Problem, a blue/grey with silver shimmer that I've shown here before. It always photographs more grey than it actually is. It looks more blue in real life.

The very simple stamping was done with A-england Excalibur and a snowflake image from plate BM-323. I just love this image so much! It has different sized and shaped snowflakes. Just lovely!

I very much enjoyed these nails but now I can't wait to get into spring manicures. Those pastels are calling out my name!


  1. Foarte frumoasa manichiura, excelent se preteaza saracul Excalibur la stampilat. Cred ca asta e singura oja Opi existenta care mi se pare total aiurea denumita pt frumusetea ei :)) Let the pastels come our way! :*

  2. Stephanie LovestruckLacquerFebruary 26, 2014 at 5:22 AM

    Great stamping! I really love I have a herring problem... I really regret not buying it when it came out :( maybe I can still find it somewhere... I love how dusty and muted it looks!

  3. Singura? Mie mi se pare ca majoritatea au nume aiurea. Cat despre Excalibur eu il iubesc. Chiar n-as renunta la el desi nu-l port niciodata ca full mani. Multumesc! :-*

  4. Thank you! I know some parts of the world still have snow. But spring is in full swing here.

  5. Thank you! It's a beauty. Maybe you can find it online somewhere. I've seen this collection around here still.

  6. Îmi place manichiura
    ta! Am însă o întrebare - caut de ceva vreme o ojă argintie pentru stamping
    care să se vadă clar şi bine conturat odată ştampilată (oja specială argintie
    Konad ştiu că este destul de transparentă, aşa că nu m-am obosit să o iau după
    ce am văzut toate swatch-urile dezamăgitoare). Există vreo ojă argintie pe care
    o pot cumpăra din România (magazin fizic sau online din Ro) pe care ai
    recomanda-o? Mi-am ieşit din minţi după nenumărate căutări eşuate după China
    Glaze Millenium şi alte oje minunate pentru stamping care, însă, sunt absolut
    imposibil de găsit.
