Hello my lovelies! First off, I'd like to apologize for the lack of posts this week. I am officially on holiday now so I will have tons of free time. Be prepared for more posts next week! Today's post is all about creating your own nail polish. The TPA Group Challenge is coming to an end, which makes me really sad. I couldn't miss the last theme because I had this polish ready for a really long time. It's nothing complicated, just a homemade jelly polish that I created for jelly sandwiches. I first used it a few months back and then used it again with a different glitter this week. I have both manicures to show in this post.
The first pictures are the newer ones from when I used OPI Pirouette My Whistle for the sandwich. I don't own this pretty glitter but I was lucky enough to be able to borrow it from my friend Kinga. After trying it out I know that I need to get it for myself. I'm only sorry that I don't have pictures to show you how it looks without the extra jelly coat on top. It's just magical!
The jelly was very easy to create. I used Golden Rose Paris 134, a grey creme that was already pretty sheer and hard to use because it needed many coats for full coverage. I added some clear polish to it until I filled the 1/3 of the bottle that was initially empty. I mixed it and that was all. I used 2 coats as base for the jelly sandwiches, then added one coat of glitter and then another one of the jelly. For the initial version I used OPI Crown Me Already! and it looked like this.
Crown Me Already! is a little heavier on the glitter and the pieces are larger and darker, so they are more visible in the sandwich. It all depends on what you prefer. Some people like their manicures more delicate and others love glitter bombs. Either way, the grey jelly makes both of these manicures very pretty and elegant. I personally loved both versions.
So this was my modest contribution for this fun theme. I'm so sad that this challenge is over! Hope there will be another one starting in the group soon. Meanwhile please do check out what the other ladies have prepared for today! Here are the links:
Carla - http://carlasbeautybox.wordpress.com
Rita - http://addictedofbutterflies.wordpress.com/
Valentina - http://www.tyanamakeup.blogspot.ro/
Iulia - http://iuliabeldean.blogspot.ro/
Mădălina - http://misshappyandhernails.blogspot.ro/
Teo - http://taitzel-make-up.blogspot.ro/
Kinga - http://polish-blue-my-mind.blogspot.ro/
Andra - http://andrakat.wordpress.com
Alina - http://venuschic.blogspot.ro/