
Saturday, May 31, 2014

May favorites and haul

Hello my lovelies! It's the last day of the month, which means it's time for another recap. What can I say about May? It's been a crazy busy month and blogging hasn't been a priority. I've reverted to my old habit of keeping a manicure 3 or even 4-5 days. That's why I haven't had that much to show you. The only nail art I've done was some very simple stamping. I've also been obsessed with jelly sandwiches, so the favorite manicures I've chosen are a mix of these two. Let's take a look!

In the top left corner we have the first jelly sandwich of the month, using China Glaze Creative Fantasy, the prettiest purple jelly ever. Then to its right there's a very simple stamping manicure done over a glitter polish from the Born Pretty Store. Bottom right we have another jelly sandwich, this time with Revlon Royal and a nail shield accent. Finally, a manicure I named navy swirls and that got me a lot of compliments when I wore it.

Again  I haven't done polish shopping this month at all. The only polish that I actually purchased myself was Essence Give Me Nude, Baby!, but I didn't bother to photograph that one because it would have made for a sad picture by itself. I did, however, use it on a jelly sandwich that you can find here. Luckily, I have something to show you because a friend brought me some Kiko polishes from Germany last week. I picked a few colors from the new shade selection and let me tell you that they are all amazing.

Kiko 497, 518, 524, 525 and 532
I've already swatched two of them and the rest will be swatched and posted really soon. Until then I wish you all a great month of June!


  1. I love a jelly sandwich! If you're going to keep a mani on for 3-4 days, a jelly is a good choice. :)

  2. The top-right mani is my favourite. it looks gorgeous!

  3. Nu pot sa ma decid intre Revlon, CG sau BPstore. Toate sunt ft frumoase! Cred ca merg totusi pe BP :))

  4. PS: e deosebit haul-ul. Abia astept sa vad cea verde <3

  5. I agree! It's more interesting than a plain manicure and it usually lasts longer.

  6. Cred ca te-ai decis tu demult ca-ti place cea BP :)) Bun deci la cererea dumneavoastra o sa-mi fac azi unghiile cu aia verde :D

  7. Va multumesc stimata domnisoara dr :* Abia astept sa le vad :)

  8. I love the purple jelly sandwich!
