
Monday, May 19, 2014

Monday Blues: Navy Swirls

Hello my lovelies! I swear that this Monday caught me totally off guard and I forgot to schedule this post. So here I am, finally writing it after a busy day at work. Better late than never, that's what I always say. Today's manicure is some simple stamping over a gorgeous color. From all the blues in the world, navy is my favorite shade and I have quite a few different ones in my collection. To others they might all look the same, but to me they are all special. One that I haven't revisited in a long time is China Glaze Man Hunt, a polish I showed as a Monday Blue almost two years ago. I'm sure you won't mind looking at it again, especially because I added a little something extra to make it more interesting.

What I love about this polish and what makes it special among my other navy shades is the fact that it's a crelly. It covers like a creme, in two easy coats, but it has the squishiness of a jelly. I'm not sure that you can see it in the pictures, but I guarantee that it's there. This is what I would call a delicious polish. So squishy!

I decided to make it even more interesting by adding some stamping. I chose an image from plate NC02 from Nailz Craze and stamped with Konad White. I particularly like this pattern because it's fun and it also lets a lot of the base color shine through. It's also very elegant and makes all my nails look exactly the same, which I love.

I really enjoyed wearing these nails and got tons of compliments for them. I hope you won't mind seeing some of my older blues because I haven't been shopping much lately so I've reduced my untrieds to a minimum. Let me know what you think in the comments. And don't forget to check out the rest of the Monday Blues below!

Have a great week!


  1. What fun swirls! Your stamping skills are so good :)

  2. Ma uit la manichiura ta si imi vin in minte clipele petrecute in Grecia. Probabil culoarea ma influenteaza, imi place foarte mult!

  3. I love swirly images like this :)

  4. Foarte frumoase! Albastrul acela chiar e delicious :) Ma tot uimesti cu culorile de la China Glaze. Mai am multe de invatat si cunoscut :P Stampila e perfecta. Instant mi-am dat seama ca e Nail Craze, si m-am si gandit ca-ti plac ca-s asa ordonate, la care am si citit ca ai scris acelasi lucru :)) :*

  5. Marisa (Polish Obsession)May 27, 2014 at 1:27 AM

    This is a really pretty mani!

  6. Thank you! The great quality of the stamping plate also helps.

  7. Multumesc mult! Inteleg ce spui. Culoarea asta impreuna cu albul chiar iti aduce aminte de mare.

  8. Multumesc! Haha ma cunosti foarte bine. Am un sertar intreg de China Glaze pe care trebuie sa le cunosti. Si fiecare e speciala in felul ei. Eu cel putin le iubesc.
