
Saturday, June 14, 2014

Alphabet Nail Art Challenge: Letter G

Hello my lovelies! I couldn't wait for the weekend to be here so I could sleep in, yet I woke up pretty early because that's how my body is set from during the week. Does that happen to you? At least now that I'm awake I can write this post and show you a very colorful manicure that is perfect for summer. Today I'm taking part in the Alphabet Nail Art Challenge that I told you about last week and the letter of the day is G. Again I went with something pretty obvious because I chose to do a gradient. I also added some stamping to make it more interesting.

I created this gradient using two shades from my Oumaxi acrylic paints. The combination between these colors was stuck in my head from a few months ago, when I tried to do a reciprocal gradient that was a total fail. I did a gradient with these two colors and it came out great, but then I added tape and did the reverse gradient that messed everything up. I now decided that this gradient needed to be recreated so here we are.

I added some stamping on top of the gradient using a tribal image from plate QA66 and Konad White. I really like how summery this looks and the white stamping doesn't overpower the gradient because it looks nice and subtle, which is kinda my trademark. I also love the fact that the colors photographed accurately. They really do look this vivid in real life too!

I really hope you enjoyed my interpretation for the letter G. There are tons of other G manicures that are just a click away so make sure you check them out! Here are the ladies participating in today's challenge:

Mădălina -
Andra -
Deyutza -
Ella -
Madalina -
Andreea -
Oana -
Oana -
Andrea -
Alina -
Mihaela -
Andra (Sophie) -
Ana Maria -
Rita -
Ana's Beauty Blog -


  1. Love how soft the gradient is and it goes so well with the stamping too!

  2. I love the gradient! The stamping goes perfectly with it!

  3. oooooo great,ma bucur ca s-a mai gandit cineva la gradient,este foarte frumos <3

  4. I love the colors you picked. They go quite well together!

  5. Cat de bine se potrivesc culorile! Intr-adevar, incet incet a devenit trade mark-ul tau subtilitatea. Mai nou cand vad ceva de genul, ma gandesc imediat la tine. E superb sa fii cunoscut pt un trade mark anume. Eu am stat si m-am gandit o gramada si nu am unul :( E o harababura totala pe pagina mea :))

  6. Foarte frumoasa gradinetul, iar modelul stampilat se potriveste de minune!
    Sa sti ca si eu patesc la fel ca si tine, in weekend ma trezesc la ora 6 ca sunt obisnuita cu programul din timpul saptamanii. Annoying, cand as putea sa dorm nu pot :(
