
Saturday, August 30, 2014

Alphabet Nail Art Challenge: Letter R and a Mani Swap

Hello my lovelies! It's the weekend, yaay! I woke up this morning in a really good mood and didn't want to leave my bed because I'm currently reading a great book (Stephen King's Doctor Sleep). I finally decided to get my act together and write this post for you because I'm really excited to show today's manicure. First off, some of you might remember the Alphabet Nail Art Challenge that I participated in a couple of times. It's been a long while since I did a manicure for this challenge and it was high time because they got to letter R already so it's gonna be over soon. This week's theme was perfect for what I already wanted to show you today. My first ever mani swap! If you don't know what that is, you basically get inspired by another nail artist and recreate one of their manicures while they recreate one of your manicures as well. Naturally my first ever mani swap had to be with my best friend in the nail world and a person who has become a great friend in my real life too. Her name is Kinga and we met on Instagram over a year ago. After that we met in real life and we now live 10 minutes away from each other. She also has a blog called Polish Blue My Mind, so I urge you to get over there and show her some love because she's incredibly talented. I recreated one of my favorite manicures from her blog. Here's what came out.

Friday, August 29, 2014

Color Club Disco Dress

Hello my lovelies! It's been a very long week and I'm so glad that it's finally Friday. I'm trying to get rid of my backlog of manicures from the last months because I really need to show you the newer ones. A few days ago I randomly found these pictures that are about two months old and decided to show them to you even though I'm not completely satisfied with how they came out. I got this polish in my latest Head2toe Beauty haul that I now realize I forgot to show you. It's very bright, almost a neon, but because it's a darker color it doesn't fall exactly in the neon category.

Color Club Disco Dress indoors, artificial light

Monday, August 25, 2014

Monday Blues: Sinful Colors Cinderella

Hello my lovelies! I won't even mention the m-word today because it's painful enough as it is. I will just get straight to the blue and hope this day goes by as fast as possible. The blue I'm showing you today is a very famous one and I think a lot of you have heard about it. As I mentioned in my previous post, Sinful Colors is a brand that is not available in my country, so even though Cinderella was on my lemming list, I was pretty sure that I will never get my hands on it. Luckily, I found a SC display in an Italian drugstore when I was on my trip, so this beauty came home with me.

Sinful Colors Cinderella indoors, artificial light

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Sinful Colors Nail Junkie

Hello my lovelies! It's Saturday and that means almost everyone is relaxing somehow. If you are at work today I feel for you, but maybe I can cheer you up with this post. Over a month ago I received my very first Sinful Colors nail polish as a surprise from my lovely friend Kinga. Not only did my nail polish collector heart skip a beat, but I was in love with the actual shade. I wore it right away but of course I forgot to post about it on the blog. I acquired my second Sinful Colors shade in the meantime and since it will be the subject of Monday's post, I had to show this one first. So here we go!

Sinful Colors Nail Junkie indoors, artificial light

Friday, August 22, 2014

Born Pretty Store Giveaway

Hello my lovelies! I know that I have been a really bad blogger lately because I haven't been posting as much as I should. There are a lot of reasons for that but I'm going to leave them for another post, one that will tell you more about my life and the stuff I've been going through in the last year. I hope that this post will be up on my blogiversary, which is in about two and a half weeks. Lacquer Buzz is turning 3! And although there have been ups and downs, I'm still very proud that my blog is still up and running after all this time. To celebrate this event, I have teamed up with the Born Pretty Store to bring you a little giveaway. It's the second time I do a giveaway with them and I can assure you that last year's winner was very happy with the prize. It's a 20$ voucher for you to spend on whatever you desire in the store.

Monday, August 18, 2014

Monday Blues: Layla Ocean Rush

Hello my lovelies! It's Monday again and I have an awful day ahead, so I scheduled this post in advance to make sure I don't miss this Monday Blues. The greatest thing about going on vacation to foreign countries (besides seeing new places, hearing a different language and eating new things) is finding different brands of nail polish. A couple of weeks ago I went to Italy so naturally I was on the lookout for some amazing polishes. Layla is one of the brands that I never tried in my life, so when I saw them in a drugstore I almost squealed, especially because I found the Hologram Effect line. If you know me, you probably already know which one I picked.

Layla Ocean Rush indoors, artificial direct light

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Neon Marbled Decals

Hello my lovelies! It's the weekend which means I finally have time to write some posts. This was another crazy week for me and an even crazier one will follow so I'm just glad to be able to get some rest and relaxation for a change. The manicure I'm showing you today is from before my vacation. I got inspired by a tutorial from the talented Cristina from Let them have Polish! to create some marbled decals. I will explain everything in detail but first let's take a look at the final result.

Friday, August 15, 2014

Mont Bleu Glass Nail File Review

Hello my lovelies! Today I have a very exciting review for you. I was recently contacted by a company that is very dear to me, namely Mont Bleu. They come from the Czech Republic and make the best glass nail files that I have ever tried. This company isn't new to me so I knew what to expect and couldn't wait to get the products. They sent me a couple of beautifully decorated nail files and also a pair of gorgeous earrings. But since this is a nail blog, let's look at the nail files first.

Mont Bleu glass nail files

Monday, August 11, 2014

Monday Blues: Jewel Glitter Gradient

Hello my lovelies! It's Monday and my vacation is over, which means I will be dreading work by the time you'll be reading this post. I'd rather look back on last week and show you the manicure I wore on my trip to Italy. Whenever I go away I need a manicure that lasts longer than usual, because I don't like to change my nails while I'm away. I usually go for glitter because it's more durable on the nails. It's the second trip in a row where I chose a glitter gradient as a manicure and I wasn't disappointed.

Saturday, August 9, 2014

Coffee and Cream

Hello my lovelies! I'm back from vacation but I'm still at home because I only start work on Monday. So I thought I should catch up on blogging and show you a manicure from a couple of months ago. I don't know why I didn't post this earlier, I guess I was just lazy as usual. This manicure comes from a week when I had the sudden urge to do water marbles. It only lasted for a few days but at least I did two separate manicures which is a lot, considering that water marbles are very frustrating. For this particular one I used a polish that I don't like that much as a full manicure on my nails. Luckily, it works great for marbling so I managed to use it like this.

Monday, August 4, 2014

Monday Blues: Houndstooth Gradient

Hello my lovelies! It's the first Monday of August and I'm away on vacation. I couldn't miss a Monday Blues though so I scheduled this post for you. The manicure I'm showing you today is one that I enjoyed a lot. It seems that lately I'm only showing you manicures that I'm crazy about. But that's what happens when you enjoy blue polish, it's very easy to get excited about your nails. The inspiration for this mani came to me when I was organizing my China Glaze drawer. I arrange my bottles by color so I lined up all my China Glaze blues from lightest to darkest. I looked at the 3 lightest shades and immediately thought of a perfect gradient so I picked up my sponge and went to work.

Saturday, August 2, 2014

Silver Vintage Wallpaper

Hello my lovelies! While you are reading this I am already away on vacation. I scheduled a couple of posts to keep you entertained while I'm gone and this is the first one. You might have noticed that there wasn't a "favorites and haul" post for July, and that's because I didn't buy one single polish this month. After last month's massive haul, I kept it to a minimum and invested my paycheck in some other stuff. August will be different though because I will be travelling and that always brings a lot of hauling. Anyway, today's manicure is one that I'm really proud of. It's not hard to create but it's totally me and I think it's amazing. Take a look!