
Friday, August 22, 2014

Born Pretty Store Giveaway

Hello my lovelies! I know that I have been a really bad blogger lately because I haven't been posting as much as I should. There are a lot of reasons for that but I'm going to leave them for another post, one that will tell you more about my life and the stuff I've been going through in the last year. I hope that this post will be up on my blogiversary, which is in about two and a half weeks. Lacquer Buzz is turning 3! And although there have been ups and downs, I'm still very proud that my blog is still up and running after all this time. To celebrate this event, I have teamed up with the Born Pretty Store to bring you a little giveaway. It's the second time I do a giveaway with them and I can assure you that last year's winner was very happy with the prize. It's a 20$ voucher for you to spend on whatever you desire in the store.

If I could, I would give you all a prize. But because there can only be one winner, here's what you need to do to win:
  • The giveaway is open internationally. If you are underaged, please ask permission from your parents before you enter the giveaway. 
  • There will be one winner and the prize is a $20 voucher to the Born Pretty Store.
  • The giveaway will run for 2 weeks, from the 22nd of August to the 10th of September. I will announce and notify the winner on the 11th of September. The winner has 48 hours to respond before another winner is chosen. 
  • To enter, please use the Rafflecopter widget below. You have to follow my Facebook page and the Born Pretty Store blog through GFC to enter. After that, there are additional entries for following via Bloglovin', GFC, Twitter or Instagram, as well as for sharing the giveaway. 
  • The prize is sent by the Born Pretty Store and I will not be responsible for lost or damaged packages. 
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Good luck!


  1. Awesome Giveaway Thank You For The Chance !!!

  2. Fantastic giveaway thanks.

  3. uuuu happy b-day in advance, da sigur o sa-ti urez si atunci :-)
    Multumim de giveaway :-)

  4. Thank you Mihaela! this is awesome! I'll keep my fingers crossed since there are many things I would like to get from BPS!

  5. I'll try my (non existing) luck :)) Happy blogyversary my dear friend :*

  6. Thank you! :)) I wrote you an email with my address.
