Hello my lovelies! It's Monday again and I have an awful day ahead, so I scheduled this post in advance to make sure I don't miss this Monday Blues. The greatest thing about going on vacation to foreign countries (besides seeing new places, hearing a different language and eating new things) is finding different brands of nail polish. A couple of weeks ago I went to Italy so naturally I was on the lookout for some amazing polishes. Layla is one of the brands that I never tried in my life, so when I saw them in a drugstore I almost squealed, especially because I found the Hologram Effect line. If you know me, you probably already know which one I picked.
Layla Ocean Rush indoors, artificial direct light |
Ocean Rush is the brightest and most beautiful holographic blue that I've ever seen. I don't have such a vibrant blue holo in my collection so this is definitely a win. As you can see in my pictures, I kept my nails fairly long on this holiday and filed them in an almond shape when I came back. Unfortunately I had to file them down for work a few days later so this is the only manicure I have with this nail shape and length. I'm happy that at least I got to enjoy this polish on longer nails.
Layla Ocean Rush in natural light |
I must say that this is the first holographic polish I try that truly needs an aqua base. I have others that apply harder but are still manageable. This one, on the other hand, was a nightmare to apply. I don't own an aqua base so I just used my regular base coat. I ended up dabbing the polish over certain portions of the nails because the dragging was really bad. Even so I didn't manage to get rid of all the bald spots. Top coat didn't hide them and I think it actually made them worse.
Layla Ocean Rush in the sun |
The polish is absolutely gorgeous and worth the hassle though. I need to look for an aqua base or an alternative to that. If you know a solution please let me know in the comments. I'd also like to know your opinion about this nail shape. I can't really keep such long nails at work but it was nice to have them like this for a change.
Layla Ocean Rush indoors, artificial direct light |
I'm very happy that I found this polish and that I have it in my collection. It's such a gorgeous color with such a strong holo effect! I love it so much! Don't forget that you can check out more Monday Blues in the links below.
Have a great week!
This is gorgeous! I just love holographics.
ReplyDeleteFoarte frumoasa oja, nu stiam de ea, pacat ca ai aplicat-o asa de greu. Eu nu am folosit niciodata base coat aqua cand am folosit oje holo, totul a functionat bine.
ReplyDeleteThis is a stunning color!
ReplyDeleteWow! That one is a stunner!
ReplyDeleteSi mie mi se pare cea mai frumoasa si mai frumoasa oja holo ever. Stiu ce-ti voi cere spre incercare dupa ce termin cu cele care le am deja la mine :) Si pt mine e cel mai tare lucru cand merg in strainatate sa ma uit de oje noi :)) PS: Why u no answer the comments? :))))
ReplyDeleteCulorile sunt mega-frumoase impreuna, iar cea albastra de la Orly ma incanta <3 Va trebui neaparat sa incerc si eu, dar direct pe unghie :) Ma bucur mult de tot ca-ti place si tie Reggae :)
ReplyDeleteoja e superba ♥ ce efect minunat, pacat ca e asa greu de aplicat. Cand intalnesc astfel de oje cam evit sa le folosesc :-)